1 minute read
.An Open Messa,ge -for Mr. Roger Bentley Bentley Lumber
Glendale, Calif.
'We are taking this public opportunity of telling you a few of the more important facts about Buttress Wall Board. A little later one of our salesmen will call with detailed facts and figures.
You are probably carrying a number of different brands of wall board and will be glad to know of some definite reasons why you can recommend one of them over and above the'others.
Briefly, we.want you to consider four different advantages of Buttress: l. It is strongerl
2. It is more flexiblel
3. It defies firel
4. It deadens soundl
You will admit that these qualities, provided that they can be proved to.exist, stamp Buttress as a really superior wall board.
7 When our salesman calls he will have the proof. We trust you will receive him with an open mind-to our mutual benefit. Buttress Manufacturing Co., 69 | 0 So. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: DElaware 4935.