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Dry Kilns
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Aneeles.'Must be .capable 'of taking entire charge and exce[tionally good salesman, who can bulld up ind hold buiiness agiinst strongest competition. In first letter state full parti&lars, salary asked and references. Address Box ,4'-166, care California Lumber Merchant.
Muit'iiave"had at least 2'years lumber experience. Must be able to keep books. Must be rvillins to work in small town. Must have high school educatlon. Write or see Hubbard at Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., 410 San Fernando Road. P. O. Ilox 155, Los Anseles. 6-15-2
Mooretg naturd draft and mechanical recirculating. kilns of practigal and modern types.
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Copplete '{ine of " dry kiln equipment, *uch as trucks, transfer ca1r, recording and regulating instruments, lumber lifts and flat :urd. edge lumber,i atackers.