1 minute read
L. lry.
a,nd the man who buyr soon finds himrclf get' ting an inferior article.
'-No manufacturer can permanently keep up the rtandard of hig goods if the price ir perrirtcntly cut, Pretty coon he ig comp€lled to urc chcipermaterialsand to cut downthewager of hia worken tThG man who cute prices putt up thc ugn: Thir way to the irurk heap!
"He adnrits his own failure as a salecman" He a&nitc he has been defeated acconding to MErquis of Queenrbury Rules of bwinesa He admi-tc that he cannot win by fighting fair.
"He brandr himelf as a hitter-below'thebelt
"If t{re buriness world was dorninated by price cutterr, t{rerc worrld be no budnecs at all""Pricc cutting, in fact, ic not burinear, any more tlnn emallpox is hcalth."