4 minute read
The Best in Oak Flooring Manufacture
A ahipment of l-ong-Bell trade-marked oalc flooring rcaches you in first clasE sendiliqn-1hq result of etandards of manufacture, loading and shipping unaurpassed in the industry.
Study theee points of aupcriority:
| -The greatest care is ueed in the gelection of raw material.
2-All the elements of kiln drying are under exacting control.
3-The utmogt precision in the operation of mechanical equipment.
4-A syetem of grading and inspection p[edging the best and most uniform rebrd,tg.
5-Careful loading and every precaution to prevent damage in traneit. -
It is constant adherence to theee nractices which aasureE the dealer of having, in Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring, a product aa near perfect as man and machinery can make it.
Plnc Blui. Art. (Long-Bctl Brud) Pleatr et Haloa, Art (Supcrlor Brmd) Longvllla, Lr. (!-ong-Bcll typical fire-resistive construction, enaploying two-hour protection throughout for steel members and the usual cbmplete cut-off between floors, affords very little increase in fire-safety, and in fact will result in muih quicker collapse than would occur with a wood,frame structure on which a smal,l fraction of the additional cost had been spent for fire protection. From this viewpoint the steel frame does not reward the increased cost it occasions."
The steel frame of the Tarrytown tvDe has much less rigidity than a lumber frame, it appeais. The thin brick walls, interstices at masonry ioints and condensation on interior surfaces are very rit'to induce rust of the steel frames, it is urged. The lack of flexibility of the standarcl units, on which the theory of steel construction is founded, seriously interferes with economical constrnction, when it comes to adapting these units to unforeseen floor plan requirements. "It is apparent that the free location and connection of partitions to floor systems is an unsolved problem." Future alterations, even such minor ones as additional doors or windows, will be difficult and expensive. The walls of the house-so largely of heat-conducting metal -do not promise much economy. of fuel, but the loof of two-inch plank with insulation underneath should contribute greatly to that end.
The Tarrytown house, Mr. Cartwright states, is probably not a fair test of the steel-unit idea, the design nbt being thoroughly adapted to the ,materials; and, while he evi-de-$11'thinks that much better practice and more economy will develop with experience, he sees no chance whatever of reducing the cost to a par with Standard wood construction, notwithstanding the claims that the ready-made units would reduce erection costs. The cost of steel structural mate-rial per room is placed at $200 against $40 for wood, a difference that will require, Mr. Cartwright says, impossible labor economy to overcome, an end toward which-not even a start has been made in the Tarrytown house.
Ingersoll On Home
The holiest temple beneath the stars' is a home that love has built.
And the most sacred altar in all the world is the fireside around which gather father, mother, and children."
-Robt. Ingersoll.
A Memory System
Forget each kindness that you do, ,As soon as you have done it; Forget the praise that falls pn you, The moment you have uFn it; Forget the slander that yo;fi hear, Before you can repeat/it;
Forget each slight, eachTSpite, each sneer, Wherever you may ry'eet it.
Remember every kinflness done, To you, what'er itf measure; Remember praise bf others won, And pass it on {ith pleasure; Remember every fomise made, And keep it to {he letter;
And be a grateful debtor.
The official starter at
-The Silent Partner.
In Scotland
Likee Workee
A Chinese newspaper published this letter fqom an applicant for work: 'lSir: I.arn Wang. f can drive typewriter with good noise and my English is great. My last job has left itself from me, for good reason that large man has dead. It was on account of no fault of mine. So, hinorable sirs, what about it? If I can be of big use to you I will arrive on some date that you shall guess".
Otel Statistics
At an Indiana in every room:
"This hotel is tistics show that loss of Ihas never occurred in a sprinklered building. In case of you get wet but not burned".
A witty guest comlrcsed circumstances: following prayer to fit the
"Now I lay me to sleep Statistics guard If I should die this sign is on all the stationery and with automatic sprinklers. Staslumber deep, not concerned,
I may get wef, but I won't get burned !"
A widower was to be married for the third time and his bride had also been married before.
The groom-elect wrote across the bottom of the wedding invitations-"be sure and come, this is no amateur performance".
St. Andrews golf course is a venhim and went on erable Scotchman. is to take the names of players and assign a starting ti the next day To him kings and caddies are about the tNot long ago a foreign tapped the starter on the shoulder and said, 'iJust a' my good man. My name is Count Schenzzli and have selected 9 o'clock in the morning as my starting time.
The'Scotchman took no notice signing names and starting times.
The Count demanded: "Did hear what I said? I'm Count ,Schenzzli".
"Aye", said the Scot, hear ye. Ye are starting tomorrow at twelve o'clock, Fergusdn".- ( Laughter) and ye'll answer to the name of
That Why
They were holding the of the richest Hebrew in out-crying all the rela- town, and Abie stood near the tives.
"'Lbie'/ asked a friend, "for gnrasn't no relative of yourn?"
t'Sure he vas'nt, said Abie, "dot's
)une Bride: "Dear, june "Dear, if I do the what do I get?"
June Bridegroom: "My life you crying so? He I'm crying."
"Friends will Grace Salmon
(From Bakersfield paper) hear with iqterest of the wedding of Miss to Nurl J.
A flapper is one who bobs her hair\owders her nose, and says to herself : "Clothes, I'm goingf down town; if you want to come along, hang on."-Selectfd.
A Virginia gentleman of cc hit his wife any more since he tells us that he doesn't fined in police court. "No sah. from now on when dat ife zassperates me, I'.se gwine kick her good-den she can't it to the judge."
B. Gritzmachar ,/ Ho*rrd M. Guton
112 Market St. San Francisco Telephonc Sutter 709!)
Douglar Fir - Spruce - Redwood
Redwood and Cedar Shinglee
Fir Piling - Ccdrr Polce
Split Redwood Productr
Ascnts: A, F.rff&ljlf*t "..