1 minute read

Price Cuttin$ Is Peanut Salesmanship

Herbert N. Cr$om, in "standard Oil Bullc" tin.'l t"The price cutter is wotse than a criminal. He is a fool

"He not only pulls down the rta'ndiqg "f lti" coods: he pdt-himrelf and hig wholc tnde Io*tt.' He-scuttles the ehip in which he' him' self, is afoat.

"Nothing is so easy as to cut pricel; -and nothing to n.A as tb get them back when once tliey have been pulled down.

"Any child can throw a glass of water on the foor; but all the wisest chemigt! of the world cannot pick that water uP.

"Who gets the benefit of price cutting?


"The man who sells makec no net profit;

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