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(The Clearing Houte)
This Column of "Wants" and 'iDon't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buv The Fellow Who WantJ to Sell
Rcre.' $2.50 per colutnn inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Wants Pine Connection
_-_[an!.to represent good' reliable firms manufacturing Wh-ite Pine, Fir and Shingies. Have had fourteen yearsr ex-perience in retail lumber business. Will furnish satisfac- tory referengg!: Central Roofing & Supply Co., Inc., 201 Cameron Building, Waco, Texas.- ' : '6-I.4
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factorv of 60,m0 daily capacity, located in Northern eali- fornia, which we -offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give ,,frrll,-B4rticulars upon request,, $,ddress,Box A-127, care California Lumbel Merchant.
Yard For Sale
Manager Wants Change
Can you u$e a live, experienced retail lumberman ? Holds good position as Managir in a small city. Anything that offers advancement, prefer Southern California.- Available on short notice. Address Box 4-167, care California Lumber Merchant. Gl-z
For Sale
-Pine_operation in Plumas County, California, for sale. One mile from railroad. Twlnty million feet, 6-0 per cent Pine. Adjoins large tract of forest tes.re timber. Hugh S. Heiman, owner, Gilroy, Calif. 5-f-4
. 2OO heavy 5 ft.- $mbe^r jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-$2.OO each. r ., Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Manager Wanted
': fornia I,u'mber Merchant. -
'f'OR SAI,E-Small retail yard, boulevard location, lonE ; lease, low rental; will invoice about $5,00G-$2,5qp qasf ir will handle. Terms to right party; would take experi- ' enced office as -partner. Addr-ess Box 4-170, car.e.,tali.
..4_high class man wanted for mariager of city yarcl doing wholesale and retail business in all [inds of to-ast rvoods] AddressrBox A-171;,care California Lumber Merchant.