4 minute read
Grras. R. lf,cGorintets Lunber Co.
ff SaI,eS OFFICES: Portland, San Francisco, LosAngeles, San ll ff Diggo-, New York, Philadelphia. Mills (undo consnaction ", ll ll re-bailding): St. Helens, Oregon; Port Ludlbw and Port Crambte, ll ll Washington. TREATING PLANT: St. Helens, Oregon. _ll
Winchester Bay Lumber Company Has Up-To-Date Plant at Reedsport, Oregon
Considerable improvements have been carried out by the \\rinchester Bay Lumber Co. at their plant at Reedsport, Ore., during the last few months. These include the addition of two Sterling water-tube boilers, which give an additional 1000 rated horse power, and five Moore moist air kilns, giving a battery of eight kilns. Additional docks ard sheds have also been built, making it possible to carry much larger stocks and give better service to the trade.
The mill equipment consists of 1O inch band head saw, carriage band resaw, vertical roller resaw, automatic trimmers, edgers, etc., capacity of mill being 150,000 feet in eight hours. There is also a vertical resaw in the planing mill for special resawing and marufacture of bevel siding.
The Winchester Bay Company has a large body of Spruce timber on ,Winchester Bay, and new logging camps have just been opened up there which assure the mill an ample supply of timber for a long time to come. The mill has been cutting spruce all this year and expect to continue on this wood for the balance of the year, possibly cutting a little Fir from time to time. Next year it is expected that about half of the cut will be Fir, with a little Hemlock.
John Kiernan is president of the company; Russell J. Hubbard, vice president and general manager, and Allen C. Hemphill is sales manager.
Colorado Lumber Company Buys California Timber
Stuart B. Show, chief oi the California District, United States Forest Service, has announced the sale of 193,600,000 teet of timber in the Fandango logging unit of the Warner ,\{ountains. \{odoc National Forest, to the Hallack and Howard Lumber Company df .,Denver, Colorado. The stand to be cut consists of approximately 74 per cent pine, for which the successful bidder offered $3.65 per thousand {t'et on the stump, together with 50 cents per thousand for rbe fir, cedar and other species.
The timber wil'l be manufactured by a single-band sawmril to be built at an early date in Modoc county, and the co:ltract 'provides that the average yearly rate of cutting shall not exceed ten million feet. This requirement is made by the Government so as to insure continuous operation.
The Redwood plant operated by Percy J. Brown, at Stafford, near Scotia, was completely destroyed by fire on May 20th.
One hundred and seventy ernployees were supported by the operation, which will not be rebuilt at the present time, according to Mr. Brown,
Enclosed find check for $2.00 subscription to your journal. IT IS IN SUCH DEMAND AROUND HEIRE I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO GET HOL.D OF YOUR J,UN,E NUMBER TO READ, and wish you would also send me this issue.
J. P. CRONIN, Santa Barbara Lumber Co.
Shingles Also
Reduced Insurance Rates

West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau News
Election of officers and a detailed discussion of the trade promotion and advertising campaign of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau characterized the rneeting of directors held at Longview, Washington.
Completing the legal organization of the Bureau, these officers were elected: president, John D. Tennant, vice president and manager, I,ong-Bell Lumber Company; vice president, George B. Long, president, Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Tacoma, Washington; secretary, Henry Schott; treasurer, R. W. Vinnedge, president, North Bend Lumber Company, North Bend, Washington.
In addition to the above officers, directors of the Bureau are: Ralph H. Burnside, president, Willapa Lumber Company, Portland, Oregon; C. D. Johnson, president, C. D. ,Johnson tl'umber Company, Portland; Maj. 'Everett G. Griggs, president, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, Tacoma; Myron C. Woodward, president, Silver Falls Timber Company, Silverton, Oregon.
The work of the Bureau, particularly with regard to the trade promotion and advertising, was gone over in detail and plans for further extension of this work were approved. A decidedly responsive attitude was reported, both on the part of the retail dealers throughout the country and_also by the press. Apparently there is an active interest generally in the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau plans for increasing the public's interest in west coast woods.
Hundreds of retail lumber dealers have tied in with the general campaign by using the first of the "Retail Dealer Tie-Up Ads," mat of which was furnished by the Bureau. Lumbermen representing every lumber-using section of the United States, have written for the Douglas fir booklet and asked for further infor,mation on West Coast woods. In addition, inquiries have already been received from a large number of architects, contractors, engineers, and representatives of wood working plants and manufacturers of wood oroducts.

- Not the least satisfactory development of the enfire campaign is the active cooperation on the part of manufacturers, lumber.executives, and salesmen, in spreading the true gospel of the 'West Coast lumber industry. A number of manufacturers have asked to have their principal executives put on the direct mailing list for all material from the Buriau and to have special publicity and advertising information go to principal salesmen and selling office.
A number of companies have also started the practice of sending out a weekly or semi-rnonthly sales ,letter to their entire force, calling attention to the progress of the Bureau campaign and thereby "hooking in" closely with the national program.
In addition, the general public appears to be taking an active interest in'learning more about "America's permanent lu'mber sgpply" on the west coast. Forty-eight states and Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii, and Canil Z6ne are repre- sented in the many inquiries received up to date by the Bu.reau.