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Is the Floor
We are the exclusivemakers of the celebrated "Green Tied" Vertical Grain
Bloedel-Donovan Cuts Down
Believing that the underlying causes of present lumber difficulties lie in over-production, and especially log production on Puget Sound and the Columbia River, J. H. Bloedel, president of the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills of Bellingham, Washington, has just announced the following shut-down schedule for his company:
The Saxon logging camp will be shut down completely from June lst to September lst. This camp operates two high lead units, logging about 8,000,000 feet per month.
The Clallam County camps, located at Beaver and Sekiu, operating seven sides and producing 16,00O,000 feet of logs per month, will shut down July 1st until September 1st.
These shut-downs will mean an approximate reduction in output of 56,000,00O feet of logs.
The Bellingham Bay mill will shut down completely for three weeks from July lst to July 21st.
The Skykomish mill will shut down for two weeks from July 2nd to July 19th.
The Larson plant will continue to operate.
Wrong Name
The advertisement appearing June lst, on page 19, contained an erroneous signature, by error.
The signatures showing were those of two of the companies included in the consolidation of all the Pickering interests as announced on page 22 in the May 15th issue. As stated in that anouncement, all of the Pickering enterpriseg have been consolidated and are now owned and operated under the name, Pickering Lumber Comppny.
Airplane Forest Patrol Starts In California
Airplane patrol of the forested regions of California started June 2, reports the San Francisco office of the United States Forest Service. Planes will operate out of Mather Field, Sacramento, and Griffith Park, Glendale, under the charge of Lieuts. Paul A. Andert and C. A. Burrows oI the Air Service officers reserve corps, respectively. On June 16, forest airplane patrol will start in the Pacific Northwest States of Oregon, Wdshington, western Montana and northern Idaho.
Airplane forest patrol was again made possible this year by a special appropriation of $50,000 by Congress. Planes will be supplied by the U. S. Army, and lst Lieut. Lloyd Barnett of Crissy Field, Presidio, San Francisco, has been detailed to act as technical adviser and liason officer. Pilots and mechanics have been selected from specially ,qualified officers and enlisted men of the Air Service reserve corps.
Airplanes will be used this year, state officers of the U. S. forest service, primarily for the reconnaissance of burring fires, for patrol duty following lightning storms, and for the transportation of emergency equipment to the fire line. Patrol service will be rendered, on request, to state officials and other agencies cooperating in fire prevention in the Pacific Coast forest regions.
A section of a "cannibal Fir" 45 inches in dameter, imprisoning'a smaller tree nearly 15 inches in diameter, complete with one inch of. bark, was displayed recently in Portland. The large tree was approxi,mately 215 years old, and the bulging rings of this tree showed that it grew around the smaller one, requiring about 150 years to enclose it. The log was found by a logger for the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon.