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Almost every type ofbuilding can use MOISTITE, the new waterproof sheathing. This "t "*" the vast mlrket and the opportunityofthe lumber yard dealer.
Architects, contractors and builders recognize in MOISTITE the kind of waterproof building paper they have been waiting for, as it fills the bill of efficiency and economy.
MOISTITE is used between walls, under floors and under all exterior surfaces. It is particularly adaptable for use with stucco. AsMOISTITE will not smut oi buckle, it is ideal for use under hardwood foors.
It is strong and pliable-it is vermin proof, germ proof and sanitary.
Here is your chance to cash in on a better sheathing with larger profits. Call or write the nearest division for samples of MOISTITE, descriptive literatureand other informationwhich shows how the lumber merchant can procure these dealer helps.