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Southern California Retailers Annual Picnic
Retail lumbermen from all districts in Southern Califor- box, and others in various other positions. It was a hot day. nia, with their wives and children, held their Annual Picnic A neutral was selected for umpire, Phil Hart, and lie atthe Orange CounJI Park on Saturday, J_une-Sth. camein for his share of.'razzing'. It would be hard to name
Neady four hundred were registered_, this being -one of any one outstanding star in the'game; Sam Hayward hit the the largest registrations ever recorded for one of these firit ball offered hiir and it wenl so fai he couid have made delightful pa-rties. eight bases i:rstead of four. Sam may be running y"a; h;
Members from the_Citrus Relt, Orange C91nty District, wisn't seen in the game after this rrjmarkable feit. ,,glC Santa Barbara and Ventura, San Diego and Lo! Angeles, Boy Woolsey," frori Terminal, belied the old idea that i and guests from as lar away as Portland, gathered at noon fat man can'f iun. Hd hit, fielded, ran, coached and did a lot for the basket lunch, and .to enjoy t_he many feat-ures of-other things, all good.'Secretary St"f""io" ;;rE"";;i arranged by a capable committee headed by O.H. Steffan- arbitrator 'anld'Ver-ne Whitson liept score. Ray f,olmes son' Playe-d a splendid conversational game, striking out with
First came the much advertised base ball game-Whole- it."s;"g reigularity, Walter Spicer' fr""ea himself a real salers- vs.^Retailers, and from the result it miy be assu'med bitcher- noi betottging in the lumber business. Ecklei that the Qrlnge-County retail boys are-better athletes than p.layed every positi6n-on the field but catch from his posi- are,the wholesale aggregation, mostly from Los Angeles. iion at s"cotd. Don Essley ". " pit"h", proved to be a-fine flere rs -tne trne-up. .. lenor singer, and Ed Culnan made a big hit by taking off
Wholesale Retail his glasse-s and being rendered of no use io rrir i6am, ma'r.i"g Miller .......c Clough ......c it eisv for the retaiiers.
Essley .....-.Pllicer. ......ip Finilscore: Retailers,20;Wholesalers, 17. Rogers .....lb Buckmaster .......1-b Thencamethedancing. GuyTyleroiWfritti..,dancing
Holmes ....2b. Eckles .....2b withMrs.Tyler,tookfi?stprilteinth;wal;a;";;;-t-];?
Valbrecht ........3b Enearl .....3b couples-aamittedtyoverforiyy."r.oirg.. Crypi.i"iy King. ......ss Patton .....ss passedtherequirementsbuth"isi"rtn"t-"iaoubt6d.'Elim-
They All Had a Good Time
Reeder .....ss Clemm .....ss
Woolsey ....If Emerson .........lf
Kendell ....cf Staley ......cf
Culnan .....rf Hayward .........rf
At least that was the original liie up. There were many changes made as the day wore on, m-ostly in the pitcher's inated from dozens of couples, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler were judged the best dancers on the floor. with Roscoe-and Mrs. Young of Anaheim, coming in a close second.
Paul Hallingby of the lfa,mmond Lumber Company, Los
(Continued on Page 20)