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Use lDoug[as Fir lFinish
,-with the Long'Bell trade,mark
A retail lumber dealer, upon receiving a car "f )||1. Long:Bell B & Btr Douglas Fir Finish, made ilFthe statement below:
Rf,,trANY such comments are -J )Y [b being made about LongBell Douglas Fir finish, in B & Btr and C grades.
A trial order of this finish is its most convincing ptoof. Include Douglas Fir finish in your next order from the long8ell sales representative.
LongBell vertical grain Douglas Fir flooring, so durable because of its large heart content, is finding ready acceptance wherever Douglas Fir is sold.
The N ail-Driaing C ontest
(Continued from Page 20) the main event. Twenty mighty men, all powerful of muscle, strained at the fifty feet of inch rope for many minutes, resuJting in the World weakening and being pulied across the line by the husky Orange Cointy warri&s-.
L. Hanselman and G. Breeding iook first prize in the three legged men's race with Henrv Patton and A. R. Enearl tumb'ling in second. The men's sick race was won by phil ,Hart.
_ A -boys' sack race was won $y Hal Baly first, and fyle Ditzler second, and Dorothy _Deck took 6rst in the giils' sack race, seconded by Olga Deck.
The Barr Lumber Comfany, Santa Ana, was awarded fi.rst prize for.having the greaiest number of employees at the_ picnic. . Fifty-one were registered from this institution, and the Gibbs l-umber Company took second place with twenty-four.
At the end of the athletic events., and after consuming more of the- splendid lemonacle provided lly the Orange Cou.nty Club, the party again adjourned to the danciig pavilion, enjoyirg this part of the program until dark.
President Pinkerton stated his extreme satisfaction over the success of the party, stating that in his opinion it was the most successful in years.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Secretary of the Association from San Francisco, was in attendance ancl expresser{ her delight at the large attendance.
A number of lumber notables were noticed in the gather- ing: ftfqk Gibbs, Gibbs I,umber Co., Anaheim.
Frank_Curr.l, E. K. Woocl Lumber Co., I.os Angeles. PaulJlallingby, _Hammond Lumber Co., Los Ang"eles. llal Baly, Conso-lidated Lumber Co., I-os Angelesf Sam Hay_ward, Hayward T,umber Co., Los Angeles.

9jorg3 !{o{, Materialmeh's Association, San "Oi"go.
S.r. J. E. Fraser, Secretary, San Frarcisco.
I-es]ie_Lfnch,_Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles. .
4 D._White, Chas. R. McCormick I-urnber-Co., Riverside.
Boy Sandefur, Hayward Lumber Co., San Bernardino.
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier I,umber Co.. Whittier.
O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana.
T.!.Y"tgan, former Secretary, Los Angeles. And a host of others.
Sbop Mouldinge Casing

Bevel Siding
Bungalow Siding
Factory Lumber
Box Lumber
Ladder Stock
Drain Boardr
Our Lumber is not Cheap, neither is our Quality or Service