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Florida Pine Makers Spending a Dollar a Thousand to Promote Use of Their Wood
Something of a record in lurnber exploitation har just been ertablished in Florida, whefe an organization of Long Leaf Pine manufacturerr in South. ern Florida have grouped themselves together in an essociation created for the prrpos€ of exploiting the merits and increaring t{re use of their wood, and are spending one dolliar per thousand on t{le production of their mernber rnills, for that pwpoae.
Thir is by far the highect appropriatio,n ever rnade for tte advertising of any pine. It has been equalled only once in the hirtory of any wood, and that was by the Southern Cyprea Manufacturers Association, nihen ttrey appropriated one dollar per thourand on production for advertising purpooer. They did not continue this permanently, but carried at that level for a long time.
Thir percentage of eelling cost for advertiaing purposer would create no finore in rnany other com. moditiec, but in the lumber line it ir most remarkable. It has required the bigge* cort of, effort to get lrnnbermen gsnerdly to see the wisdom of appro- priating even five cents a thousand for advertising purttoses, although here and the,re groupe have paid as high as twenty-five cents per thousand for pubIicity pr4oset.
A mill rnan will cee the price of his stock decline $5 per thousand in a mont{r's time, and think little of it, but if someone rulc him to give twenty-five cents a thousand for the pupos€ of stabilizing markets and preventing ruch declines, he thinks the fellow is mentally touched. Fo,r such is the vision of the lumber industrn and has always been.
In tte last fe*v years a momentouc change in the aftitude of the average lumber manrfactrrer towards doing rometlring to help create e market for his product has changed greatly, and rnost alsc ciations are now doing more or lees work and spend- ing more or letr effort and money to make people ure their product.
Thir change ie well evidenced in this dollar per thousand appropriation of tfiere Florida producerr. They ere doing practically all of their exploitation work in their home territory.