1 minute read
stiles and rails are built.up on a core of interlocking blocks,with the grain crossed in adjoining sections. All joints are w-elded with the same amaz' ingly strong cement. Bttilt,up parts are then placed under tren-rendous hydraulic pressure for 24 hours. National advertising has madc l-aminex known to the public. And millions of Laminex doors in use throughout the United States, are helping realtors and builders to sell their houses. Owing to imrnense production, Laminex doors sell at ordinary door prices.
i)art ,ri a of61 rc.iLJencesbeing built rt hsrJena, California, by E. P. Janer, onr of rhc Irrrxesr huilcling optrntt,rs. Lemrnex .lo,,ts useJ in each of rhrsc irLruscs. Iiecuntly Mr.Janes stated, ''Tlrt fect rhrt Lrnrrnex cloors are liee rr.,r'r N ,rt ur{ Jn.l .l,rrnl(ln{ ellmrnxtcs rrharrgrng rnrl rchrtrns. I also 6nd that thr u'r ol r r:rtr()nallt a.lvcrtised ond sr,lcir knorrn lr,'.lLrit iike Larn,r.', r:rL:atlv essr:ts lr' nrrkrnx sa]es."