3 minute read
Why Laminex has created a new standard of door merchandisitrg..
Olac strck-fasa arlrln,oetcr fot elrc rerr;iler
Thcre davs the modern merchant concentrates his selling on lines that sell. No longer does he handle the line of every Tom, Dick and Harry. He confines his investmenr to fast moving merchandis; gives orstomets what they want; keeps hisstock rurning. Laminex doors are known to the Arne rican people. Advertising has broadcasted their rcputation to your customers.
No tro*bfe uith dnorc thot otc watped in ttcnsit
Builders often complain that doors are already warped when delivered on the job. Damp warehouses, cars and trucks; moisture at shipping points. The scientifc structure of Laminex doors keeps them square, straight and rigid undcr all imaginable conditions. Test after tesr has proved this.
No morc watPia,g fton dcmPlress in roclls
Laminex givcs the lumbcr and building material merchant a door that never btings complaints duc to warping on the job. Laminex doors,by virtue oftheir builtup constru.ction, are immune from the effects of damp plastcr and all conditions that warp common doors. Millions of Laminex doors in usc; not one has warped.
LAMENEX Oaarantee
A world of meaning in those three words. A satisfied cus. tomer is the best advertisement; the best booster.
Todayts critical customer-whether he be home buyer or home builder-is not satisfi.ed with anything less than su. preme value for his money. If he can't get it at one place he will go elsewhere. Competition has taught him to go "shopping.t'
For generations men had slavishly followed along set ideas in buying doorsno protectionno mark of the maker-no recourse in case of defects. Buying a door was thought to be a rather trivial matter as long as dimen. sions and design were a$ ordered. If the door was all right up to the time of delivery on the job, that was suftcientWhat happened thereafter was no concern of thb builder or door merchant. But the injured party- the home owner thought di{ferently. And where was the satisfied customer?
The change came thiee years ago. The introduction of Laminex doors was a revolutionary advance in door merchandising. It was simply the application of a manufac. turing and marketing principle, tried and proven true in practically every other industry. First, a radical improve. ment in the method of making doors. Then trade,marking them,guaranteeing them and advertising them Nationally.
The public knows; lumber and building supply men know; contractors, builders, carpenters and architects know that the guarantee, which is here reproduced, is backed by all the resources of the world's largest door manufacturer.
Progressive door jobbers carry ample stocks of Laminex in all standard sizes and popular pattems-vertical grain stiles and rails, or "il flrt grain. Send for our "Llelp.you. sell" plan and other literature; also sample of Laminex wood to test. Sales offices: New York, Chicago, Memphis, I-os Angeles, San Francisco, Spokane. Foreign: Woco Door Co., London; E. J. Van de Ven, Paris; Paul Solari & Co, Genoa.
Gentlemeo: I would like to know more about Laminex doors. Alrc eend literature and sample of Laminex wood, so we c.n neke our own tests.
Southern Forests Closed to Smoking
On account of the increasing fire danger, due to the rapid drying out of grass and undergrowth and the large number of visitors to the mountains, District Forester S. B. Show of the United States Forest Service headquarters in San Francisco, announces the following closure orders in the national forests of southern California:
Angeles and Santa Barbara National Forests, including the Monterey Division of the latter forest, closed to smoking except at improved camp grounds or improved places of habitation.
Devils Canyon and Plunge Creek in the San Bernardino National Forlst closed to lll travel, except urder permit from the Forest Service. No permits required by actual settlers going to and from their homes.
The following canyons in the ,San Bernardino National Forest are closed to the building of camp or picnic fires:
San Sevaine
Santa Ara
Bear Creek
Arrowhead-Daley Road Trail
Arrowhead Trails
South Fork Lytle Creek
Cleveland and San Bernardino National Forests closed to smoking except at improved camp grounds and improved places of habitation.
These closure orders apply only to Government lands within the National Forests. A nu'mber of courties in southern California have, however, passed similar smoking and camp fire ordinances, ap,plicable to all lands within the countles,
The Time to Get Out of Line
There is only one time when a man should deliberately get out of line, and that is when the crowd is too slow t-o wade through.
When you find yourself in that fix, just sidestep a few feet, throw her in high, and get past the sluggards.
You will find that happening very frequently in your business life if you are really going and getting somewhere.
If you see that your gang lacks ambition, pep, speed, enthusiasm, and initiative, and you find that you cant get them up to YOUR speed-then sidestep that ciowd and get out where you can hit the ball and step with the live ones.It i,s lack of {oing that keeps ,men from arriving where they belong. "Wait a minute" is the watch-word of the sluggard.
Don't step ON anyone. Just step past them, or over them. But if they are slowing YOU up, get past them.