1 minute read
SUGAR PINE fo, Permanence
Since the "D ays of'4)" Sugar Pine has been known as California's most useful and durable wood r$7rite for a price list and stocJ< sheet, and learn the values to be had in Sugar Pine.
Cabins of the gold miners, the relay posts of the stagelines,homes of the eadyranchets, were roofed and sided with Sugar Pine. These sturdy pioneers chose Sugar Pine for protection from the deep winter snows and the severe summer storms of the mountains, because Sugar Pine gives permanent shelter. Long-lived Sugar Pine assured tight roofs and sides, while the soft, straight, uniform grain lightened the labor of cutting and fitting shakes and siding.
Your customers can profit by the expetience of the pioneers.'When you sell them Sugar Pine, you sell a lumber that reduces labor and increases the acortacy of joinery. And you sell them a lumber that is dtrable-that. stands the test of time.
681 Market Sueet, San Francisco