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21et and Alamcda Str. - f-ot Angelec, Calif. Phone WBhore 6131
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The other day a member of a lumbermen's weekly luncheon club registered a rather common complaint. lle stated that he could not eat such a substantial luncheon-and that a dollar was about twice as much as he felt he should spend for food at noon.
But think a moment ! If we are fair in giving credit where credit is due, we should mentally cut that luncheon dollar at least four ways. If the above-illustration does not coincide with your personal ideas, you can 'roll your own', but it will at least start a train of thought that ii bound to occur to all of us at some time or another.
Segment No. 1 : Most of us have to eat luncheon somewhere and according to our appetities and whether *e eai at a quick lunch counter or a high priced restaurant, we are bound to spend from 25c on up for food and service. In spite of the fact that at most Weekly Luncheon Clubs the food service is usually well cooked and served; that we eat it qurrounded by our friends, in an atmosphere of happiness and good-fellowship-the FOOD segment of that dbilar is the smallest part of it. There is something more !
Segment No. 2: Surely the excellent entertainment pro- vided by most up-to-date luncheon clubs is worth a ceriain portion of that dollar. ,We have enjoyed entertainment ,programs in many clubs that were well worth the whole dojlar. and have all spent many a dollar for less enjoyable hours.
Segment No..,3 : There is the instructive part of the program to consider. The ideas and experiences of feilow lumbermen and those of the speakers onihe various subjects presented in these meetings. We are all too close to our business. We need new'slants'-nsq; ideas-to iolt us out of the ruts. The weekly luncheons are a prolifii source of new ideas-with an opportunity to check -up and compare with the other fellows in the industry,
Segmert No. 4: Friends, after allj are the greatest asset any man can posses.s. To have a friend you must go half way.to 'meet him. Some men become too big or too busy making money to take an hour off once a week to mix witir the other fellows in their industry, and then some of thern wonder why th_ejr list of friends is dwindling away.
As George Fforace Lorimer says, ,,It's- good to h"ue moqey and the things that money can buy. bui it,s good too, to check up once,in a while to make suie that yoi haven'f lo-st the things that money CAN'T buy." The privilege of exposing yourself to the 'friendship germs'- floatiis around-your luncheon club is worth the biggest slice of thE price of admission. Try it out !-Roy A. Dailey.
The E. K. Wood Lumber Co. has moved from the Northwestern Bank Building to 1036 Pacific Building, portland, Ore.
The Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, fnc., reports that the entire Northwestern timber districts shipped-by water 1o aff rpoints during the first three months of 1926. a total of 1,314,252,207 f.eet, which was an increase over the same period o{ 1925, during which time the total was I,O4I,727,434 feet. The increase was. 26 percent.
Shipments of Douglas Fir during that period to California p9l"-t!.b;r 1v1te1 tota-lled 385,726,313 feet, as compared with 3-62,384,907 during the same period of. 1925, an increase of 6.3 percent.
Shipments to the- A_tlantic Coast by water during the first three months of. 1926 totalled 497,g3n.S4O feet, w:hich was an increase over t925 of 54 percent.
Foreign shipments of Douglas Fir for the first three months of 1926 totalJed 4ry359,556 feet, as compared with 327,518,482 feet for the same period of. L925, a gain of.2S/o.
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