4 minute read
fo1t ilo .JL.L
Kiln,Dried Fir wins the good will of dealerd c'ustomers. There's "Satisfac, tion in every food' of our Old Growth Yellow Fir lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln-dried and dressed after seasoning to American Standard sizes. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
g.nt. l. hbt CdFry, 16 C.llfoftl. stE.t, 3.DlFnalrco, C.llf.
o.nt166!- !!gl9!j.ll-4]!
fr.n ta hr?. Foa lhdr fot tlcklu
.ht nd.., bc Frmf.offiF orhl. Fpr.!€nbtlE i.rH i!6 ua !d rc donothc.tt.t. to tcll thd fr.t r. thlil !d to bll.E th.t lt t! dlt f.tr .bd lult thrt r. lhdld odFcil Si *Gn to lid th.t; r!!d.! r llttlo bttcr thrn*.t tdld odlmllly-b arFotd undc!thc ahd.d 8r.dtry ftlca .d f;r tht Fr.d r. .F tlltlv Yd to t.ll yd s.t .ll of th. f2 cb & BF tra fl6rl[ thlch y@ h!"6 lt-nrlhd u ltu td8 14' rtU h.t bd 6lneDtb .attafrotoE. h ftct, tc do notw ht ic liic crcr r*cl.id abtt.r prd. of ,2 flotlq thrn Sst S eetlt .hlp.d tou' t. hE .tut tso.tsd r ac ot td !' fe CmonO .il r. tlrd lt to b d ol th. btt ifndc. ol te c@D tut h. .s! cd tDto d Ft{. !lh.ilDtlcttr of bth t@ c@n fEd.. .nduilla. ta htE fd !o ba loat ultoh rd r..pi;.ctatc th. p'6pt.ttanttoD tbt td h.n rl?s to th. umtlon ol r1l @ o{.h. loe 6t tnlt,
C. G. Bird ot Stockton writes: Mentioning: -deVendability --quality ,-Sefq)i9e
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
.taavr€a wrtF lvart
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in Colifornia and Atizona
Geneta'l Offces: So. Cclifornia Offcet
San Francisco, California
St. Clair Building
16 California Street l-os Angeles, California
397 Pacific Electrii Building
J. E. Ellis. Agent "sudden Seruice"
General Offices: Kansas City' Missouti
(Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
Gerald Campbell, Esq., C.M.G., H.M. Britannic Consul General, San Francisco, was the speaker of the day at the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday,May 27. Mr. Campbell's subject was "Today in Great Britain." Mr. Campbell gave an excellent discussion of present-day conditions in Great Britain and during his talk gave an outline of industrial conditions there dating from l9l4 to the present time and the general strike. Mr. Campbell was an able speaker and his remarks, which were interspersed with many interesting and humorous stories, were very well received by the large attendance.
The presence of Mr. Campbell was due to the efforts of F. W. S. Locke, San Francisco manager of the C. D. Johnson T. umber Co., and during the World War 3rd (P. W. V.) South Lancashire Regt. Mr. Locke introduced the speaker and at the conclusion of his address in a few well chosen words thanked Mr. Campbell for appearing before the Club.
President John MeCabe presided over the business sessi-on-. Fred Roth, vicegerent snark, reported on the progress of the Concatenation to be held on lune 1O. S. B. Hewes. New Orleans, Hoo-Hoo No. 4918, and initiated into the order in 1892 at Houston, Tex., was present and made a few remarks.
Lew Emmell, accompanied on the piano by Del Perry, sang several delightful solos and went over big with the crowd.
President McCabe designated the next meeting which will be h.eld 91 June 24 ai "White and Sugar piile Day', and appointed C. Stowel Smith of the Califoinia White and Sugar Pine Mfg. Association as Chairman of the Day.
Hart-Wood Moves Los Angeles Offices
T. B. {Ted)_l-awr_e_nce, and the rest of the Los Angeles forces of the Hart-Wood T.umber Company, have m"oved rursrs ur Ltle rlarf,-vvooq LUmDef moved from their old stand in the Pacific Mutuil Iiuilding, to the new Petroleum Securities Building at loth and" Flower Streets.
Same phone number.
University Of California Students Have Forestry Camp
Sixteen students of the Forestry Division at the lJniversity of California are now in atiendance at the Summer Camp maintained by the University at Meadow Valley in Plumas County. The summer course will be lor 12 weeks and the course will be devoted to a study of practical forest problems, and will also include an inspection of the logging_ and sawmill operations of the region together with the timber sales of the Plumas National Forest.- Professor Emanuel Fritz is in charge of the summer camp.
Thiele Makes Change
Mr. P. J. Thiele, for several years in charge of the planing mill for the United Lumber Yards, Modesto, ha-s assumed the position of Mill Superintendent for the Holleribeck & Bush Planing Mill at Flesno.
Ganahl To Open In Ventura
The Ganahl Lumber Company, of Santa Barbara, will soon open a retail y-ard in Ventura, according. to Mr. E. W. Mayer, Secretary of the company.
Mr. L. A. Ganahl, President of the company, is now in the Northwest, buying stocks for the new plant.
E. & Roynlcr H. B. Grncrrtoa

1?f,-1?8'-i|ii,O Sante Merina Buildins ll2 Mrrkct Strcot
Fir and Rcdwood Lumbcr
Trcetcd and lJntrcatcd Polcr and Pilor
California Sugar and WhitG Pinc Lurnbcr
Split Rcdwood Ticr, Porte, Grepc Stalcr, ctc. Sawn .Rcdwood Shalrcr and Shinglcr
PORTLATYD, OREGON, OFFICE Ncthwertcn Bul Bldt. Our rcprcrcntrtivcr ln Southcrn Califonrh arc Wllllrnr ud Coqnr, 2[5 Wcrt Shth Stf.ct, Iar An3ctct
Portlend, Oregon
Fir Laminated Finishing Lumber
Avoid loss on account of warping, checking, and splitting of your Fir finish lumber by placing your order with us for
Either in atraight carloade or in mixed cars with Doors and Panele
Hoquian, Warh.
Manufacturcrr of Vcrtical
Grain Fir Doorr
. Hoquiam, \lfaeh.
Manufacturerr of "Greyr
Harbo/' Yollow Fir
Laninetcd Praclr