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"Here's the Story on DroP Sidings"
AA Patternt Stondard Sizet Gradet
Ar-r standard drop and novelty siding patterns are produced in these fine, Soft-textured woods. I might say "reproduced," for it takes a clean cutiing, splinterless wood to reproducc thi coirtours, lines and curvts of a nice drop siding design.
Both tongue and groo-ve, and ship lap patterns are mawfactured, and tney fit when put up, and stay wherc they're Dut, without warping or end shrinkin'g. And you don-'t iee nail splits, either.
California Pine drop or novelry sidings come in 4,6, anil 8 inch widths, so-metimes even in 10 and 12 inch, from some of our mills. Made from inch lumber, they produce sturdy, durable side walls,Iingths run 8foot and,up, in accordance ivith standard gface.
Dron sidines are made from select ,nd c6mmott"erades of California Pine lumber, but "usually the commoo grades are employed, because they have excellenC values. for milling smoothly, the knots being inconspicuous in color, and mill without roughine or tearing the grain. Knots in any wSod shoul{be giien a coat of shellac before painting lhe building.
The location, appearance and number of knots in drbP sidings may bc determined by the grade characteristics of No.'2 comiron and better, also No. 3 and No. 4 common lumber srades in-California Pines.
(Jtet "The select and better grades prove excellent for use in homes and thc hisher class buildinqs. The common grides m ake excellenlsiding for homes or other buildings, is inexpensive, good appearing, economicalin P"i15 lns-all tactors ol especlar slgnl[cafice. When applied 6ver building paper and sheathing, no betterweathi:r-proof covering can be-had.
No. 3 common-drop sidings are generally used for barns, sheds, gatages, and 6ther utility buildings. They arc easv to nail. and can be applied bv inexderiencedlabor, and #6en paihted provide a good looking andlasting Exterior wdll covering, cven though applied directly, to the framing without ustnq sneatnlng.
The reiailer, espeiially rn the small town or f.armini sections, will find California Pine -drop siding at easy and active selling stock feature, with the trade coming back for more , after they have experienced the satisfactiori of an initial order.