1 minute read
Durable Douglas Fir Made Its Own Market
oucr-As rrn has won its enviable position in the building field in the 6ce of strong competition and )ut concentrat€d sales or advertisins effort. On the without advertising effott. Atlantic Seaboard, for iruance, Douglas Fir was first used only fot very hory construction. Eastern builders soqn learned the alt-purpose qudities of this Pacific Coast lumber ""d th" demand \ in this territory has grown ftom 5o million board feet in rgzo to more than rToo million board feret in ry21an increase of over l4ooVo in five y.ears !
Stock the Lumbu that Buildqs Demand
Builders all over the county now know that Douglas Fir is superior not only for heavy constnrction purposes, but is also ideal for framing; a weather-resistant sash, frame and exterior wood and a beautifully-grained interior trim and door material and an even-color flooring. It is light, stifl s*ong and durable; has a very high percentage of heartrryood; is extremely non-absorbent; not apt to truist or warp i easy to work I holds nails and screws tighdyand is capable of being painted, sained, varnished, enameled or waxed to perfection.
Dougl^os Fir Easy to $et
You canget durable Douglas Fir in all shapes and sizes ^ *oy important lumber market.
No other commercial lumber can be furnished in such large sizes as Douglas Fir. Modern distribution methods place this carefully manufacnred lumber quickly in your yard as you need it. And when it is piled in your yarci, you crn depend on Douglas Fir to stay bnght and straightsaleable to the last foot.
Douglas Fir Nor, Adyertised
Our nation-wide advertising to millions of lumber users reaches most of your customers. You can't help selling Douglas Fir with this great campaign backing you up. Write today for first-hand facts about tlhe cooperation we are prepared to offer you. Get the facts about the merchandising of Douglas Fir.
A Garden
a little garden spring comes coyly smiling,