1 minute read
57 Years \fith No RePairs
,-the amazing record of tbis comfofiable horne, buih entirely of Californ ia Redwood
"OuR Housn is in excellent condition and never yet in Sj years of life has had one dollar spent for repairs.-
ThaCs the remarkable statement of the owner of this house -6hsWade $hiflett home at $eminary and Clay Streets, Napa California.
Redwood siding and Redwood sheathing went rlto rtslon' struction more than a half'century LSo. t t' And dueto Re& wood's staunch durability it is still serving with no repairs ttroughout that Period.
A fine record, you 11 say- " ' And you can capitaliz.e-on iq' Talk Redwood this year. Learn about its other valued attri' butes,inwhich itranls firstbygovernment test among other Pacific coast building woods.
Send todayfor a supplyof "Redwood Home PlansbyCali' fornia Architects." Niw customers, increased volume, greater profits are easily available to you.