4 minute read
Announcing to the Lurnber Trade of New England
On June 7th, Weyerhaeuser utill begin to ship lumber fo ifs New England trade from this new Disbibuting Plant at Portsmouth, R. ^L rflHIS plant makes available to the New ,T,HE opening of this great plant marks I England dealer the same'high type ofI the beginning of an era of better busiservice that has characterized the'Weyerhaeuse.r plant at Baltimore. ness for New Bngland retailers. It furnishes intelligent aid in meeting presentday shifting conditions. A help in buying, selling, financingit makes the business of the retailer who uses it easier and more profitable.
The Portsmouth Plant is operated by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. It covers 100 acres. It includes immense storage sheds, sorting sheds, planing mill andremanufacturing plant. It is equippedwith modern electric and pneumatic handling machinery and every facility to make immediate service possible. 24-hour shipping schedules will be in force. The majority of orders will go out within a day of receipt. The personnel at Portsmouth is Baltimore trained.
A large stock is now being built up. In a short time it will comprise 40 million feet of lumber under cover-ready for shipment and use, and a complete range of sizes in Douglas Fir timbers to meet any specifications. Weyerhaeuser ships plying between this plant and the 'Weyerhaeuser West Coast Mills via the Panama Canal assure plentiful stocks atall times.
Instead of waiting weeks for lVest Coast lumber you can now have it in your yard a few days after ordering. Over.buying, guesswork buying become unnecessary. You can buy to fit your requirements. In many cases after you land the order. Your stock investmentwill be reduced. You will conserve storage space. Your turnover will be quickened.
Business will notget away from you because you are "out" of certain items. Portsmouth service is fast enough to enable you to supply even emergency demands. You can go after business you couldn't handle otherwise
Your sales on timbers can be increased without additional investment- perhaps less. We carry the stock. You order it out when you make a sale.
The wealth of mate, rial in thevastforestg of the PacificNotth. west isnowrnadeinstantly available to the New England trade. Weyerhaeuser,owrred ships ply. ing between Weyer, haeuser v/egt coast mills and the Ports. mouth plant via the Panama Canal wipe out 3OOO miles be, tween the dealer and the lumber re, Eources of the west.
You can readily see how your business will be helped, your profits increased by Portsmouth service
Your customers will like Portsmouth stock. It is selected material, chosen with their requirements in mind. It is not runof-the-mill lumber. Nor is it the kind you ordinarily associate with cargo shipments. You'll prove that on the first trial order.
The 1OO acre Portsmouth Plant compriaes 12OO feet of docke equipped with standard and narrow gauge tracks-6'mileg of narrow gauge track, 2 milea etandard railroad track, sorting sheds, 220O lineal feet of gigantic storage eheds, 8O feet wide and equipped with traveling electric cranes, broken package ehed 30 x ?5O feet long, electric power houee, planing mill, sawmill, locomo. tive and caterpillar tractors and 55O feet of covered loading platform.
AII material that comes to this plant is finely manufactured to Weyerhaeuser exacting standards-from the choicest timber, carefully milled to correct sizes, properly seasoned, expertly graded and selected.
Let the Weyerhaeuser man tell you the whole story. In addition to placing at your service the immense stocks of this yard he represents all of the nineteen mills cutting fifteen species. You'll find him a good man to do business with.

(Continued from Page 44)
C. D. Johnson, president Pacific Spruce Corporation, who presided, and is acting president of the association, in the course of his remarks said that "there are more things left undone in the lumber industry than in any other industry in the country."
A. H. Landram, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., made the report of the West Coast delegation attending the A.merican Lumber Standardization Conference at Washington, D. C., on April 26. Mr. Landram's motion to make the minor changes required to make the West Coast standards conform to the American standards was adopted unanimously, so that West Coast standards have now become 100 per cent American standards. Mr. Landram was accorded a hearty vote of thanks by the Association, for his work in getting the American standards changed to conform with West Coast standards in widths, and at the instance of R. H. Burnside, this vote of thanks was made to include R W. Vinnedge, North Bend Timber Co,, and L. A. Nelson, district manager for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Portland.
Other speakers were A. C. Dixon, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.; Major Everett Griggs, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma; R. W. Vinnedge, North Bend Timber Co., North Bend, Wash.

Mr. Donald Doud, formerly connected with the Defiance Lumber Cornpany, Tacoma, is now connected with W. R. Chamberlin & Company, at Los Angeles.
One employee said, as she settled herself at her new desk, "f really ought to .have had a new dress for this beautiful new office."-Save the Surface Magazine.
TACOMA, Wash., May 27.-All trustees of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company were re-elected today at the annual meeting of the company's stockholders held at headquarters of the firm in Tacoma. The board is composed of J. P. Weyerhaeuser, George S. Long and W. L. McCormick of Tacoma; F. E. Weyerhaeuser, H. H. Irvine and E. J. Richardson, St. Paul;P. S. Bell,'Winona, Minn.; F. C. Denkmann, Rock Island, Ill.; C. R. Musser, Muscatine. Ia.; William Carson, Burlington, Ia., and Dr. E. P. Clapp, Pasadena, Cal.
A Wisconsin man with a trout hatchery suspends fivewatt lamps over the pool to attract flies and bugs at night, upon which trout grow fat ard luscious at little expense to that hatchery owner. We don't know whether to label this guy as the world's meanest, or laziest, or most ingenious man, but we predict he is going to get along in the world. Nevertheless, it's a heluva trick to play on the bugs.