1 minute read
Hilke Mechanical Pilers Reduce Yard Piling Cost
A large number of the major lumber operations are adopting the high piling'method of air drying stock in their yard by use of mechanical lumber pilers. Many advantages are claimed for high piling, one of which is 'more rapid and uniform drying of the lumber in pile. Reports come from some of the operators doing high piling with the "Hilke" Mechanical Lumber Piler that the cost of piling has been greatly reduced by the use of these machines over former jack piling methods. This feature of cost cutting is the principal reason why so many operators are turning to the mechanical piler, as in these days of low prices and high operating costs progressive managers are turning to any mechanical equi'pment which will reduce overhead costs.
It is claimed by the manufacturer of the "Hilke" piler that this,machine will show a direct saving in piling costs of from 30 to @/ol, which statement is doubtless startling to many "old timers" who are still proponents of jack piling.
When the "Hilke" Piler was first marketed many operators considered its main feature to be the conservation of yard space. As many rnills were not troubled by lack of space in their yard little attention was paid to the possi-