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As Good as C a,sh to kdouood ryaihrs

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These pfospects that afe sent to retail yalds stocking Redwood afe wortfi mohey to those who are wide awake and follow them up.

A careful'survey of tt,000 pfosPects recently received brings to light the following facts : Out of every 12 prospects :

3 build within 6 months, and 2 use fudwood.

I build z.uithin 18 months, and 4 use fuduood, Approxjmately half of the Redwood dealers who have written commenung on the PfosPects received, say that they definitely produce new business.

These prospects afe received through national advertising. They are people who are seriously considering their new homes. They havb not y.t secured a. contfactof, in most instances, and arc rcady to listen to youf stofy. Be first on the ground, and get the business.

If you stock Redwood, but have not been receiving the list of pfoqpects in your neighborhood, nodfy us to Put you on the list.

If you have been discarding the list, gla nce ^garn at the figures above.

Be sure to ask us for your coPy of "California Redwood." It gives Lccvtate information on dozens of woods as well as Redwood. It costs you nothing.

Ehe SDANGLES in theGLU E-LlNt identjftT

Separate a plywood panel at the glue-line. I f it has been glued with Lauxein, brilliant, I gleaming spangles (or particles) will show plainly. This Spangled Glue Line is a mark of 7 identification-it is expressive of the confidence of the manufacturer in his product. This confidence is founded on experience. Millions of feet of Lauxein Glued panels have stood the test of time. In doors, in auto bodies, in furniture-in countless uses-Lauxein Glued panels have withstood heat and cold, wind and weather. Lauxein is the backbone of Pacific Plywoods.

All glue manufactured since June, 1928, bears this identification mark-

I. F. LAUCKS, Inc.

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