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Fred Holmes Doing Trade Extension Work in East for Month
Fred Holmes, of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company, San Francisco, is in the east and middle west for a month. He is calling on the trade and doing trade extension and trade promotion work for the Redwood Sales Company, of which his firm is a member. Mr. Holmes is an enthusiastic Redwood trade extension man and this is his first effort at converting eastern lumber users.
plants throughout Washington and Oregon. They will be aided by the association in working out special problems of their industry. The consensus of opinion among the millwork manufacturers was that the activities carried on by the millwork group as an independent organization will be developed to greater advantage by the body in its new entity as a grorlp in the enlarged association, offcials of the lumber association announced.
Membership in the larger association, it was explained, will afford millwork manufacturers an opportunity to increase their sales in present local markets and to develop new ones. Association fieldmen, in their calls upon industrial concerns in various parts of the country, leain of needs for cut stock in sizes and specifications usually not manufactured by sawrpills. Millwork manufacturers will be acquainted with the lumber requirements of these industrial firms and aided in taking advantage of the sales opportunities they offer. With the millw,ork group as part of the association and interests in national trade promotion for Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, Western red cedar and Sitka spruce, greater refinement of the local forest prodtrct is expected to result. This it was pointed out, means greater payrolls and more regular employment in the Pacific Northwest.
The plan for consolidation was presented by a committee headed by E. E. Vogue, of Seattle. The meeting also was addressed by Col. Greeley, and by C. J. Hogue, manag'er of the West Coast Lumber Bureau's field department.
Paul Overend On Vacation
Paul Overend. field man for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in the Northern California District, is taking two weeks' vacation, starting first week in June.
L. C. Hammond is East on Business Trip
Mr. L. C. Hammond. of the Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, is making a business trip around the lumber markets of the east at the present time, gathering information for the great Hammond manufacturing and distributing organization.