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Association Offices Will Gaynor Masters Lumber be Moved Back to Seattle Terminals, fnc., Organized

Headquarters of the newly reorganized and enlarged West Coast Lumbermen's Association 'vi'ill be maintained at Seattle, and the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, now located at Longview Wash., will be moved to the Seattle offices of the parent organ'ization, as the result of action taken by the board of trustees of the association at Taboma yesterday. This announcement was made here today by J. D. Tennant, president. Fifteen trustees, representing all districts of the Douglas fir region, were present at the meeting.

A preliminary plan prepared by Col. W. B. Greeley for broadening the scope of the association, containing a complete proglam of industrial service for lumber mills,.woo.dworkiirg plants and allied industries, was approved by the trustees-. - Accepted as the most comprehensive and ambitious undertaking ever launched by lumbermen of this region, the plan- includes departments .devoted to- trade pr6motion, glading, inspection' and re-inspection' freight iates and claims, nati'onal advertising, fact collection, market surveys, mill and logging camp studies for better utilization of forest products and greater efficiency in operation. This plan will be taken during the coming month to the lumb-er industry of the Pacific Northwest by the trustees in a series of regional meetings.

A tentative annual budget of $700,000 for all expenditures of the association was offered by Col. Greeley and approved by the trustees as a general basis, subject to ratificltion by supporting lumber, logging and allied woodworking companies. Over one-half of this amount will be expended for developing and extending the markets for West Coast lumber products.

The following officers and trustees of the association were present: J. D. Tennant, president, the Long-Bell Lumber Company, Longview; George S. L,ong, vice-president, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma; R. W. Vinnedge, treasurer, North Bend Timber Company, North Bend; E. K. Bishop, E. K. Bishop Lumber Company, Aberdeen; Ralph H. Burnside, Willapa Lumber Company, Portland; W. W. Clark, Clark-Wilson Company, Linnton; A. C. Dixon, Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, Eugene; Everett G. Griggs, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, Tacoma; C. D. Johnson, C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, Portland; Perry Knight, Mutual Lumber Company, Brrcoda; H. A.

The Gaynor Masters Lumber Terminals, Inc. has been organized and incorporated by a group of Tacoma mills to operate dock facilities which have been sub-leased from the McCormick Steamship Company in Tacoma.

The companies represented in the Terminal Company comprise practically all the barging mills in the Tacoma district. The object of concentration of water business at one terminal is one of efficiency, convenience, etc.

The Terminal Company will be headed and managed by L. R. Gaynor, Jr., president of the Gaynor Masters Lumber Company, many of the above named mills being also interested in the Gaynor Masters Lumber Company.

The offices are being completed in the South end of the dock building which will house the Gaynor Masters Lumber Terminals, Inc., and also the Gaynor Masters Lumber Company. The entire personnel and equipment of the Gaynor Masters Lumber Company were removed from the White-Henry-Stuart Building in Seattle to these offices the first of June.

The terminal will be used by the following steamers operating in the coastrvise trade: SS. VIKING, SS. GEORGE L. OLSON, SS. JOHN C. KIRKPATRICK and the SS. JANE NETTLETON, and by the California and Eastern Steamship Line in the intercoastal business.

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