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Thousands of PIONI feel the
"I live a block from the Sunret Canyon Country Club, where a dicaltrour fire swept over the Verdugo Hills lact December, and burned ninety.eight homes. I watched huge, flaming rparkr set fire to aome of my shrubs, but fall hannlessly on rny Pioneer Yose-ite RocL Surfaced Shingle rirof."
DR. PHILIP E. ZEISS, Clinic Bldg., Burbank, California.
"Two yearu ago the roof of my home was water proofed with PIONEER YOSEMITE ROCK SURFACED SHINGLES. f am.very much pleased in all respects with the roofing. ft hys pefiectly flat, is free from wrinkles, does not fade and looks exaitly lile a job that cost me $100 more with no guarantee of protection."
J. E. GARDNER, 329 "F" Street, Baketsfield, California.
"In May of last year I was approached by Mr. Lohman, one of your agenr in Sea$le, with a proposition to te-roof my houge with 'Pioneer Shingles', After reeing roofs with your rhingles and talking to owners and getting figures on wood shingles painted or stained, f felt that your shingle was the one I wanted."
HARRY LEACH, 3647 BagJey Ave., Seattle, \DTashington.
"The easy monthly payments made possible by contracting for a fi:ed price io hate the work done by a Licensed Pioneer Shingle Application Co', enabler us to own it without cutting into our reserve funds. rtrfe took months to decide upon our roof; r!7e will have years.of enjoyment."
J. GORDON SMTTH, 390 N. 24th St., Portland, Ore.
"My shingled roof was cadly in need of painting or replacing. Your Licensed Pioneer Shingle Application Conpany suggested re-roofing with Pioneer Yose' mite Rock Surfaced Shingles. There war no error in my saying "yes" and signing a contract for a new roof over the old one on the Pioneer Plan of easy Pay. ment3. ft wa3 one of the rmartest thing3 I ever did."
EPH. F. RESEK, 510 Elizabeth St., Fort Collinr, Colo,
No shingle ever ofiered to the public has had so great a dc! HEXAGONAT SHINGLE!
BECAUSE . . . it's bigger, better, more beautiful . . . mor€ the Super l{ex . laid right over the old shingle a Perrnanc duces double thickness over the entire roof surface' gives that r nounced shadow-line.
YOU know about the Super Hex . . and so do thousands Pioneer Plan for Re-roofing . . . about the Licensed Application
These are all factors that are behind the Pioneer Dealer . cr$tomers. These excerpts from letters by Pioneer Roof owner!
If you :re not already a Pioneer Dealer write to the ne:rrest