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ER Roof Owners. . o me wcry
"The fire-retarding elemenr of the Pioneer Yoremite Rock Surfaced Shingle are of such IMPORTANCE that homeowners, in the market for roofing, can not possibly go amiss in CHOOSING them.
"At any time and at any place, whenever it is posrible for me to do so, f. ghall be pleased to recommend this very SATISFACTORY shingle."
Battalion Fire Chief, OSCAR. H, EBBINGHOUSE, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle, rf?'ashington'
"On Thutsday, Aptil 26, I closed the contract with your representative; Fri&y, the 27th, material was on the ground; Monday, 30th, before noon, the job war 6nished. No old shingles or trash was laying around in rny yard; or, in other worda, everything in my yard war, just as clean as if the new roof had not been applied. No, they did not work Saturday afternoon or Sunday, Can you beat that for gewice?"
JOHN H. KIGH, 2417 Ogden St., Denver, Colo.
,nomical! Fvery old wood shingle roof in the west is a market for beautiful protective covering that lasts longer, looks beffer, pro' r desired semi-thatched effect with its rugged texture and pro' prospects in your community. And they also know about the tnts who put them on right and GUARANTEE the job. .creasing hi" s"les and increasing his circle of completely satisfied rw that the Pioneer Plan PAYS ALL CONCERNED. ,neer Branch . . . full details will be given you without obligation.
"When considering re-roofing, I had three comDanier furnish bidr. Two com. paniea figirred twenty-four squares, while ihe. representative from the Licensed Pioneer Company, estimated more accur' ately, corriputing only nineteen squarer necessary, in which event I saved the cost of five squares."
MR. HERBERT CLARKE, 833 East l3th South St., Salt Lake City, utah.
"The local reptecentative of the com' pany who took the order and rupervired ihe'work, wal a real gentleman and showed courtery and interect in the work from the start to finirh, which I con' sider ir complimentary to the Company"'
MRS. LUCY HOTTELL, l2!2 No. Ffayer' Pocatello, Idaho.
"The eary peyment plan appealed to me. A first payment' then a small pay' ment each month makes it easy to roon pay for your roof. A self addrersed and itamped envelope comet at your only re' minder, from a Company that is both courteous and considerate.tt
MRS. FRANCES E. LYNCH, 14540 Kittridge St., Van Nuys, California,