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New News From the Mills and Yards-Too Young to Be Dry
E. M. Tilden Flies 500 Miles
E. M. Tilden returned to Oakland recently from a trip to eastern and southeastern points occrrpying about three weeks. While in Florida N{r. Tilden had a 60O mile airplane ride. Starting from Jacksonville he flew to Palm Beach and other Florida cities. The olane was a StimsonDetroiter, and was a private one. Ui. Titden enjoyed.the trip very much, and believes that the quick development of air travel that is coming will surprise many people who do not realize the extent to which the airplane is being used for fast transportation today.
Bert Bryan On Fishing Trip
Bert Bryan, manager of the Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, has just returned from a fishing trip in Sierra County. He reports having had good sport, and says he can recommend a few days trout fishing in this particular region to any business man who is tired of the daily grind.
Mr. Bryan was accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Bryan, who is also a fishing enthusiast.
Auburn Lions Enjoy Redwood Movie
The entire membership of the Auburn Lions Club enjoyed a trip through The Pacific Lumber Company's op. erations, viewing the whole process of converting the Redwood forest giants into lumber, right from the tree to the car.
Owing,to the fact that this club is composed of busy business men, they did not actually make the long trip to Humboldt County, but they did the next best thing, Wendell T. Robie, assistant manager of the Auburn Lumber Co., having made arrangements for the showing of The Pacific Lumber Company's industrial film at the club's luncheon, June 6.
Jim Farley did double duty in operating the machine, and also telling the story of the manufacture of Redwood.
win Harbors Lumber Co. Will A as Sales Agents fior 2O Mills
Twin Harbors Lumber Co. will act as agent for the sale of car material and railroad purchases for fr mills in southwestern Washington, it was announced recently.
The office of the compan;r will be moved from Aberdeen, Wash. to Chehalis, 'Wash.
J. C. Smith, sales manager of the Carlisle Lumber Co., Onalaska, Wash., will be general manager, and C. S. Vanderslice of the Coal Creeli Lumber Co., Chehalis, will be sales manager.
Pacific Southwest Hard wood Company Installing New Planing MillManager and Salesmen Announced
The Pacific Southwest Hardwood Company, of Los Angeles, which recently succeeded the F. P. Baugh.Hardwood Company, is making many changes and improvements to the very excellent yard they bought, one of the main ones being the installation of a planing mill, which work is now in progress. It will be modern in every respect.
Mr. Sterling L. Stofle is Manager of the business. He has been with the Western Hardwood Lumber Company for the past two years, previous to which time he was in the retail lurnber- business on his own hook in Los Angeles. Mr. G. B. Lancaster and Mr. B. N. Cartwright are outside salesmen for the company. Mr. Lancaster has been connected with the Wm. M. Wilson Lurnber Company for the past four years. Mr. Cartwright has been with E. J. Stanton & Son for the past several years. Both are well known to the trade.
The yard is magnificently stocked with hardwoods of every commercial sort, and Mr. Stofle announces that they will particularly specialize in furnishing the supplies of the smatler retail lumber yards.
Change Of Name
Santa Clara Mill & Supply Co., Santa Clara, has changed its name to Garden Mill & Supply Co.
We cater to the small yard-----
And the smaller dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our quick shipment of anything and everything for the building trade by car or truck makes it possible for the small dealer to give tip-top service to his trade, and yet keep down his investment, his lnsurance and his overhead.