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Palco Redwood Barh a tonic for the Net Profit

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Changing Times

"Business has got to be more like baseballnuick to meet the situation," remarked a bleacher fan the other night after witnessing a heady change in generalship.

Looking about us we see our fellow merchants in the drug line, in the new day grocery or in the cigar store taking care of the much discussed 'rconsutner's dollar" by fi[ing as many needs as posrible.

Uselul as a 2x4

Palco Redwood Bark is a MULTI-PURPOSE insulation. It keeps out the heat of summer and saves warmth in winter. Sound waves, too, get lost trying to get thru. In old and new construction as well as in just about every industry there is a place for it. Here are a few:

Laid between ceiling joist, Placed between walls, Between floors (stops noises and heat), For insulating cold ctorage plante, For brooder and incubator houses, Between rafters,

Pack around cold pipes, Sell it to separate noise and quiet, It is an Al refrigerator jacket, Every water tank old or new needs insulation, Keeps cold in holding tanks.

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