2 minute read
full price protection on big volume sales troday 60|/o
AGAIN the 4-Squenr Program I \moves forward!
The important 4-Squens development, promised throughout r93o, is here-bringing you at last the ptactical, dependable price protection you have been looking for on big volume sales.
The public announcement of 4-Squenn Guide-Line Framing soon to come in the leading national magazines marks a new epoch in lumber manufacture and lumber merchandising.
Three yearc ^go Weyerhaeuser announced the first revolutionary improvement in lumber-4-Squenn finishing items improved for ease in use, packaged, trade-marked, marked for grade and species, and fully guaranteed. The significance of this move and the protection it promised to the lumber rbtailer were recognizedby thinking lumber merchants in every section of the country.
More than r5oo leading dealers qualified for the 4-Squenr Franchise. The wisdom of their action was proved during r93o, when lumber sales fell off dangerously, proved, quality producr, worth and lumber profits shrank to the every ceni of its full mark up bevanishing point in many retail cause it is easier to use and iaves yards. Even with the short line time and labor. of packaged items then available, The merchandising values hundr-eds_of 4-S-quenr Dealers re- which have built the irccess of ported sales and profits far above the 4_Sque*" p""k"g.j 1irr" "." the average now'ahL avaiiable in 4-Squ^*r Now Weyqrhaeuser presents Guide-Line Framing. And addi4-SquenrGuide-LineFraming,scc- tional plus values-each one of ondrcvolutionaryimprovementin them a practical, modern merlumber. Now a big volume item, chandising asset-have been built improved with the sales-making into this new precision structural plus values described on the fol- lumber. lowing pages, is added to- the Each piece of 4-SquenB Guide1-Squery Line. Now 6oTo of. the Line Frjrning is youi silent saleslumber for every house can be man, tellinf tt L quality buyer
4-Squenr lrccision Lumber. that here at last is the improved
What does this mean ro you? lumber he needs in order to get a. What is its full significancl in better constructio" i"f. It gives termsofyoursalesaniprofits,and you at last-a pract'ical answef to the protlctioo of yo'i businessa the man who buys on price and - r_-_L :._ price alone-proof that lumber
It means that the lumber in i"iJ gr"rrer is"_rr4oes is an en_ rich heavy,volumetirelviifferenrorod.uctthanhehas which heavy- volume ^ ^a^ tirelyEifferentproductthanhehas
Framing, the most important lumber for house construction, is no\M a functionallv im- uo"int berore'^ and consequentrv
The 4-SQUARE Line Today Includes
wofth the full price you ask.
r93r will see a decided increase in the number of 4-Squenr Authorized Dealem, the only retail merchants privileged to sell 4-Squrnn Guide-Line Framing, and the only retail merchants to whom the practical, profit-building services of the 4-Squenr Dealer's Merchandising DePartment are available.

Only a limited number of Au- thorized 4-Squenr Dealers can be added right now. Will you be one of them? Will you steP out and take your plece at the front of the nation-wide movement for better construction?