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4-sQUenn Guide-Line FRAMTNG
offeis lour customers
11 PRACTICAL PLUS VALUES for Precision Construction
LL natio nally advertised retail sales advantages -t-
Squared ends. Ordinery freming lumbcr is nor squered on the ends, and must be trinmcd ftr hand oa the iob to providc tight ioiots and full bearing surfacc.
Erectstendardlengths. Ordinery franing lumbcr is scldom cxect stendard leogth. Frcqucotly it is ovcrJeogth, requiring hend-trimming. Too oftco it is scrat.
Calibrated evety inch witb guide lioes. A revolutionery inoovatioa io lumber are thcsc accurlte guides to pccisioo in placing, mces. uring, cutting, frting aod lcvcling framing membets.
Seasooed stock. Ordioery frrming lumbcr may (x m.y rrot bc scasoncd. Tm much of it ir "green"-totelly uoft for usc ia good conctructim.
Chamftred edges. The instant you haodlc e piecc of 4-Squ^qr Freming you know it is unlike any lumbcr you evcr haodled bdore. No sharp edge. Eesier to h.odle.
This is thc theme of thc r93r 4-squerr netioqel advcrtising, the most significent campdgn in the history of the lumber industry.
This edvcrtising eachcs homc ownen to discriminate betweeo right aad wr<xrg ctxrstructioo.
It shows them how to make sure of rouod costructioo
Better appearance. Never beforc havc you seco structural lumber that lnlu like tbe precisin building naterial this functiooally improved Framing ri. Properly surfaced on four sidcs aftcr rcasoniog, it is clean, bright, good lookiog stock.
Marked for species. Thc full spccies nemc printed on evc,ry picce, positivc protectioo against substitutioo. -a-
Markcd for grade. The foll gnde aeoc pintcd oo every piece is positivc proof thet thc qualiry specified and paid for is dclivcred.
Trade-marked. Evety piecc bcerc thc n.tiooally advertiscd Weyerhecuscr 4.Squelr trade.mark for quick identiEcatioo end protcction in buying.
Soldoaly byAuthorized 4-Sguaref,'calerr.
The 4-Squeee Frenchise Sigo is displayed by celccted lumber merchants who have provcd their reliability and their knowledge of good lumber end its uscs. The 4-Squerl Dcaler is the commuoity's authority o good constructi@.
Guareateed by Vcyerhaeuser. All thc spccific pnccisim edveotegce cleimcd foc 4-Squerr Quide'I ing Framing are vcrifcd by the words "Wcyerhaeu*r Guerantecd" printed on each piece.
All thesc Plus Valuc hevc beco givan to Weyerhaeuser 4-Squen Guidel.irrc Framing at e cost much lower than originally ertimeted. The p,rcmiurn on Framing is, onscquently, only e nomind increesc over the coet of ordinary framing lumbcr of thc tamc gredc and species.
have always hoped and expected to get.
It tells them how e series of far-reaching impovemants in lunbcr make gmd constructim a fact.
It tells every homeowncr-to-be, and evcry buildcr, carpeoter end erchitect-the neo who determioe house consmrction practice in each community-iust where to go toget 4.Squere prr;itiorzLvmfu fotbtter cmstructim-
It autometically attrecc this powcrfrrl group to thosc dealcrs whose rcgard fc better lumbcr has eneblcd thcm thus ft to survive the growing evik withio the lunbcr and construction indusries.
The ennouocemcot of 4.Squenr GuideLine Freming mekcc thc 4-Squeu Dceler his communiry's recognizcd and nationally advertised source of firnctiooally improvcd precisioo lumber for bcttcr coqstructioo.