1 minute read
Ee // re be a u ttflrt n{ zu itlt tlte CREO-DIPT /ine
MANY dealers tell us rebeautifying will be the biggest part of their business this year-and some of them expect to big business.
You can build a very profitable modernizing business with the Creo-Dipt line. Even the cheapest Creo-Dipt sidewall job runs into money. And with the new improved Creo-Dipt shingles at the new low prices, you can easily ward off cheap competition. Creo-Dipt Stains, Creo-Dipt Weatherproofed Paper, and the Handi-Ironing Cabinet ^re also profitable modernizing items. Sell the entire Creo-Dipt line.
l. lffi% advance to dealer.
2. I@% advance to contractor.
3. Home owner has 12 to 24 months to pay.
4. No collection worries.
5. Finance company handles all details.
6. A strong selling point ---{asy payments.
Your Creo-Dipt representative knows a lot about rebeautifying. He'll be glad to give you the complete Creo-Dipt selling plan, based on 22 years of selling experience and including newspaper electros, photographs, direct mail campaigns to your prospects, and other helps.
If you have no financing plan of your own, you'll be interested in the Creo-Dipt Commercial Credit Finance PIan which gives you your money as soon as the job is completed. Write for complete description of the CreoDipt modernizing plan. Or ask your CreoDipt salesman.