1 minute read
D)ROGRESSM lumber merchants ever5nrrhere are capitaliz- I ing on the sales-building literature offered by the NationalLumber Manufacturers Association.
Technical data test results . house designs . interior ideas. modernization plans. lumber selling points newspaper advertisements . building page stories . . an almost endless fund of valuable selling ideas and helpful lumber information is ctntained in Association publications.
Recprds show that Association booklets have actually sold thousands of' dollars'worth of lumber. They are an invaluable sales tool in tlre hands of alert lumber dealers. Yet the Associatiqn offers them to you, in quantities, for distribution to your customers and prospects, at less than the cost ofprintingl
of proven sales-stimulating matcrial and lumber information. They will help you just as they have hclped hundreds of other lumber-
SSOCIATION booklets are full meo to buildbusitrcra. Samplccopies are free on requeit. Quantities are available for distribution at half cost. Write for the dercriptive catalog-"Lumbcr Sales Literature."
Single copies of eactr booklet are free to all lumbermen. Send today for a @py of "Lumber Sales Literature,". the little catalog which pictures and" describes therrr.
n Att THts couPoN
Natimd Luba Mrnuf.ctud Accietio
Dcpt :XnrTnDlpatrtio Bldg., Werhin3to, D. C.
Plearc sd me a copy o,f "Lmbq Salce Litcatuc," dffiibina bookletr which I my rcuc fc diatibutio to Dy cutmds at half st.