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Every Stueoo Job Needs
LKS' Clubs like the one at Burbank shown above. residences like the one at Pasadena shown below, churches, garages, markets, even fences need Sisalkraft behind the stucco.
Plasterers like its tough quality. It saves them labor and trouble. It gives the owner a wall that even driving rains cannot get through. It is good business for you to push Sisalkraft for every stucco job in your community.
And that is only one of the many uses for this quality paper. Every concrete slab should be cured and Sisalkraft is the automatic, economical way to do it. It was used over all floors in the building above and scores of cement contractors are using it for sidewalks, drives, etc. Ask for our dealer helps.
2O5 W. Vacker Drive (Canal Station\ CIIICAGO, ILLINOIS
55 New Mo.ntgomery St., San Francieco, Calif.