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Livermore Concat Draws Big Attendance

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With an attendance of. I57 all recent records were broken at the concatenation promoted by Bert Bryan, Vicegerent Snark of the Golden Gate District, and held at Livermore, June 8.

The attendance included many prominent figures in the various branches of the lumber business, and was made up by delegations from San Francisco, East Bay, SanJose and Peninsula, Stockton, Modesto and many other points.

Ray Cox, president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, presided. Dinner was served at 7:3O p.m. This was followed by an entertainment program. Earl Johnson, of Livermore, acted as master of ceremonies and some special cowboy stunts staged by him created a lot of amusement, and gave a Rodeo atmosphere to the affair.

When introducing Earl Johnson to the big gathering President Ray Cox expressed thanks for his part in making arrangements for the meeting, and remarked incidentally that Earl had just been elected president of the Livermore Chamber of Commerce.

The concatenation was held at 1O p.m. The following Nine officiated: Snark, Bert Bryan ; Senior Hoo Hoo, Chas.

G. Bird; Junior Hoo Hoo, R. A. Hiscox; Bojum, Fred Boes; Scrivenoter, Carl Moore; Jabberwock, Howard Gunton; Custocatian, Larue Woodson; Arcanoper, A. H. Silligo; Gurdon, Earl Johnson.

Eight kittens were initiated into the mysteries of Hoo Hoo. These were J. G. Frampton, National Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco; E. A. Gordon, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; Geo. L. Hall, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland; W. E. Foreman, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland; Fred N. Shaheen, National Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland; K. L. Dougherty, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., San Jose; C. C. Marsh, Independent Lumber Co., Livermore, and Lewis N. Hager, Hager Sash & Door Co., Berkeley.

Supreme Jabberwock H. S. Morton attended, and assisted in the Concatenation by reading the Hoo Hoo Code of Ethics to the candidates.

Vicegerent Snarks from other districts rvho attended were Geo. W. Robinson, Stockton and Fred Boes, San Jose. Hoo Hoo Club presidents in attendance included Jim Farley, San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club No. 9; E. H. Galpin, San Jose-Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club No. 58, and Chas. G. Bird. Stockton Hoo Hoo Club No. 62.

Buys Yard at Pacific Grove Makes Good Recovery

George A. Good has purchased the Chase Lumber Co. at Pacific Grove, Calif., and has taken over the management of the yard. Mr. Good, was the founder and president of the Good Lumber Co., at Tracy, Calif., which he managed since it was organized several years ago. Due to ill health, Mr. Good has {ound it necessary to seek a change in climate and will make his home at Pacific Groove.

6 *neeb saue you rnoney

Elmer Ellis, of the Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto, who had his kneecap broken in an automobile accident about four months ago on the highway, when another driver disregarding the boulevard stop crashed into his machine, has almost completely recovered the use of his leg. Mr. Ellis was absent from his office for ten rveeks as a result of the accident.

There Is A Reason

Why thc largeet millr are inrtalling our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFT,'SE BURNERS.

WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirementr for air cooled and brick lined refirse burnercnew and rued boilerr of all rizer and typer.


Scattlc, \f,ferh.

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