3 minute read
:Association Softwood Lumber Announces New Products Inspection Certificates Available
Washington, June 2.-Acknowledging receipt of a brief regarding the availability to the Federal Government of Association Softwood Lumber Inspection Certificates, sent him by Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, D. B. Wainwright, Jr., Acting Chief Co-ordinator of the Federal Government, says:
"I am pleased to note that such certificates are available to any shipper, from every recognized softwood lumber manufacturers' association in the United States. This information will be very useful to this office."
The brief explains that official Association Inspection Certificates covering shipments of softwood lumber are available at a nominal charge from every softwood lumber manufacturers' association. Any manufacturing shipper or wholesale distributor may procure such certificates regardless of whether he is an Association member or not. It is further explained that the costs are direct and indirect. The former cover the actual travel and hotel expenses of the Association Inspector employed, which, in the case of some associations, is supplemented by a small additional charge to non-members. The indirect costs, which are not assessed on non-members, cover the general overhead costs of inspection service to which (not paying association dues) they do not contribute. The practice of each association in this respect is described in detail.
Lumber Radio Talks Available
Washington, June 2.-A number of short radio talks for the use of local lumber retailers, associations and others interested in the promotion of wood distribution, have been prepared by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association for the benefit of those using radio advertising or having courtesy arrangements which permit their use of broadcasting facilities. These talks require from one to two minutes of radio time and are suitable as trailers or as complete short talks. They deal rvith such subjects as home modernizing, the ever-appealing romance of the forests from .rvhich lumber comes. the variety of beauty and serviceability obtainable in wood furniture and finishes, and helpful housebuilding hints.
Among the talks already prepared are : "Do It Now"; "A Good Investment"; "Keeping Up Appearances"; "Horv to Go About Modernizing"; "Looking the Old House Over", and "Talk With The Man Who Knows", all dealing with house building and home modernizing.
Six new products, five of them new or improved insulation materials and the sixth a new hard, grainless panel board, have just been announced by the Celotex Company.
C. E. Stedman, vice-president and general sales manager, in describing these nelv products says:
First of the nerv products is the two-surface insulation board. One side of this nerv board retains the familiar burlap Celotex finish, while the other side offers a brand new kind of surface, smooth and even and yet retaining enough of fibrous character to make a striking and distinctive finish.
The new hard panel board is l/s-inch thick, 4 feet wide and comes in lengths of 8, 10 and tZ feet, while the new Celotex lath which comes a full half inch thick, also a full inch thick, provides greater rigidity, to which plaster bonds with unusual strength, and increases insulation efficiency.
The Clotex three-quarter inch sheathing is an extra thick and extra strong cane fibre insulation board felted to full thickness without lamination.
Celotex Cemesto-Board is an entirely new type of insulation, clad with a finish resembling stone. It has a core of Celotex cane fibre insulation armored with tough element resisting layers of asbestos-cement on one or both sides. In addition to insulation it offers fire protection, permanency, rigidity, waterproofing, pleasing appearance, light reflection and economy. It has a wide variety of uses and is suitable for wainscoting, siding, partitions, walls, ceilings. A wide range of ornamentation is possible, and for decorative purposes a surface coating of color can be applied readily in the manufacturing operation, and by sandblasting an infinite variety of designs can be cut through this surface coating creating unique ornamental effects.
Celotex Master Roof insulation is a low density board made of cane fibre felted in a unit to a full inch in thickness. It is made from selected fibres of various sizes according to exact speeifications. This product possesses insulation equal to Celotex low density refrigerator insulation. It will not weigh more than 95O pounds per thousand square feet and possesses sufficient rigidity to support and protect roof coverings from puncture.
Cheerful Item
Bolcom-Canal Lumber Co., Seattle, has been awarded refund of $25,548 by the bureau of internal revenue, representing an over-payment on federal income tax made in 1918.
Do Tou Know That
Sfe can deliver anywhere in large or small lo$: REDWOOD or DOUGLAS FIR LOGS (with or without bark)