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It PaysT

It PaysT

How Lumber Looks

The lumber'movement during the week ended June 2 as teported to t{re National Lumber Manufacturers Asiociation was the lorvest of any week since January. Production, shipments and orders w€f,e reported at mid.winter levels. The decline was due partly to the Memorial Day holiday, and also tq the longsho,rements strike on the Pacific Coast which is tying up all water shipments.

Production for the week by 1,425 mills was 153,262100O feet; lhipg'etrts 149,751,000 fee;, aia ;td;* l5t,264,Ooo feet.

Production for ihe lumber industry of V'estern Oregon and Vestern Vashington reported to the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association dudng current weeks has ,beetr as followsl week ppded N-Iay !2,96,771,282 feet; week ended 1[.[ay 19, 84,916,457 feet-; week ended May 26, 61,175,026 f.eeti wee& ended June 2, 4811721942 f.eet. Productio.n has been decreased by fif.ty pe cent during the period'of four weeks.' The chief *"rorr f"r ihe sudden collapse in lumber production, the Association states, is the longshore tie.up.

., New business reported to the Association by 594 mills for the weekended Jutt" 2 was 571560,879 f.eet against a production of 48r04Q01 4 f.eet and, shipments of. 44,230,933 feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended June 2 feported that new business f.or 152 mills amounted to 2rr374r0(X) feet, shipments 2714961000 feet, and producction 2Or443rOOO feet.

Attends Code Authority Meeting

George B. McT-eod,. I{ammond Lumber San Francisco June 7 to attend the annual Lumber Code Authority at Chi.cago, June 11 ington, D. C., June 15.

Company, left meeting of the and at Wash-

Named Manufacturer Member of

Retail Lumber Code Authority

:-Washington, D. C., May 25.-Ralph Hines, of the Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago, Ill., has been appointed b.y John D... Tennant, .cha|r4ran of the Lumber Code Authority, as the representative of the manufacturers on the Retail Lumber Code Authority. Mr. Hines announced his a.tceptance of the appoin'trneni tvtay 15. Retail lumbermen recently invited. the appointmeirt of a manufacturer to r4embership in their.Authority, and Mr. Tennant was authorized by the Lurnber Code Authority, which includes 4 retailer memb,eq, to make the.selectio4.

The Virestern Pine Association for the same week tepotted new bnsiness -from 120 mills as 361325rOO0 feeg shipments 42q. 758rO00 feet, and production 5016551000 feet. Orders wqe 2E per cent below productiotr and 15 per cent below shipmentr. Shipments wete 16 per cent below ptoduction.

The California Redwood Association for the week tepottd production from 15 mills as 615391000 feet, shipme4ts 5r0i8r000 feet, and new business 8,788,000 feet. Ordets on hand at the end of the week wete 74,5931000 feet.

491 hardwood mills for the same week gave new business es 1E,9O2r000 feet, or 13 per cent below production, and shipmente ztrl4TrOOO feet, or 6 per cent above production. Production was 21r850r0fl) feet,

The cargo movement of lumbet on the Pacific Coast is still tied up by the longshorements strike. The statement issued last week by the NRA and canied in the press diepatches frorn Washington regarding the abandoning of the price clauses in the codes caused widespread alarm in the lumber business here, and according to reports had e very bad effect on business. On Iune 9. Administrator Huqh S. Iohnson sisned an order On June 9, S. Johnson signed otder specifically ing the Lumber Code Authority's established sPedncauy aPPfovrng mrnrmum Prrces.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Loe Angeles Flarbor for the week ended May 29 totald 1,1660O0 feet. O*irg to the strike situation no reports are available on vessels operating in the coastwise lumber service.

Visits California Offices

Albert Schafer, vice president Schafer Bros. Lurnber & Shingle Co., Montesdno, 'Wash., left San Francisco June 6 after a week's visit to California, during which he visited thecompany'sSanFranciscoandLosAngele5ofi6ces.

Lumber Code Prices Remain

in Effect

The announcemert by the NRA carried in the nei dispatches from Washington Jane 7 that price fixing would be prohibited in codes except in clear cut emergencies, was clarified by Administrator Hugh S. Johnson on June 9 and present Lumber Code Authority prices remain in effect. Administrator Johnson signed an Order on June 9 which specifically approves the existing minimum prices established'by the Lumber Code Authority for the remainder of the period during which current prices are e{fective,

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