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Vagabond Editorials
(Continued from Page 7) solve the unemployment problem (most of the unemployment is in the durable goods industries department) this committee suggested: "Assurance to private enterprise that the profit incentive will continue to receive public approval as an energizing motive for economic activity; public recognition that the only legitimate purpose of taxation is to provide necessary revenue for government and not to affect a punitive redistribution of wealth which paralyzes business initiative."
And, oh ! My friend", ;;". " time we're going to have in this old lumber industry when the good time comes ! There isn't any way to stop it. A hundred and twenty-five million people have got to have buildings. We are going to have a high tide of prosperity that will last anywhere frorn six to ten years the next time. So, when the clouds look dark, and Old Man Depression seems camping on your doorstep, taki heart by saying to yourself-"Some of these days we're going to have the doggondest biggest lumber market you ever saw, and it's going to last a long, long time." For it IS !