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The Code Advice of Hakeem the Wise

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It PaysT

It PaysT

By Jack Dionne

In the City of Bagdad lived Hakeem, the Wise One, and many people went to him for counsel, which he gave freely to all, asking nothing in return.

And there came to hi-*" io*.r*urr, who said to him, "Tell me, Oh Wise One, how shall I beat my competitors under this Code System ?" ***

And Hakeem looked long and deep into his eyes. And the visitor saw that his life was as an open book, and that the Wise One knew his very thoughts. And he was sore afraid.

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And Hakeem said to him: "Methinks- it is thou who should be TELLING-noI ASKING me." And the lumberman said: "But Wise C)ne, from the depths of your lvisdom, can you not point out to me the surer and better methods of accomplishing what I desire?" **>t

So the Wise One was flattered, and replied: "Try special concessions. So many of these are there that it would require until sundown for me to recite them to you. Take this little book I have just written, 'A Hundred Honest Ways of Making Dishonest Concessions,' and read it carefully. Mayhap thou will find ideas there not already in thy plan book. Take it and go thy way." And, he took the book with much profuse expressions of gratitude, and left. ***

But no sooner had the sound of his footsteps died away than there entered the presence of Hakeem, a second lumberman. And, his words in the beginning were the same as the words of the first. He said: "Tell me. Wise One. how shall I beat my competitor under this Code System ?"

And Hakeem looked long and piercingly into the eyes of the second lumberman, until he felt that his very soul was naked as the limbs of the oak in the dead of winter. And, he trembled. And Hakeem said to him: "Methinks, my friend, that thou art already doing very well in that regard.l' ***

Whereat the face of the second lumberman grew livid, and veins in his forehead seemed as though about to break through their bonds of flesh. But Hakeem hastened to his relief. "Be of good cheer, friend. Many others think and act as thou do. I see by thy expression that thou seekest only for thine own protection." On hearing which words of wise consolation, relief came to the troubled face of the visitor.

"True are your words, Oh Wise One," he said. "I would have only that which is mine, and desire in no way to seize upon that which is rightfully my neighbor's. And, can 'you advise me how that good causb may best be achieved ?"

"Friend," said Hakeem, "the methods I could recite that would further thou in thy good purposes are numbered as the dead leaves in the forest in autumn. or as the sands upon the shore of the endless sea. But that thou mayest be speeded on thy way, take thou this little booklet I have written upon such thoughts as these, the title of which is 'Business Detours.' Thou wilt find it to be of inestimable worth." And, he took, and murmuring his deep, deep gratitude, he left.

And, as he went to the right, there came from the left another man, and his footsteps were heavy with the weight of despair, and his face was that of one deeply wearied. "I," he said to llakeem, "am a lumberman, and I come to you hoping against hope that you may be able to succor me." "Did you say 'sucker'?" asked Hakeem, kindly. "Not 'sqst1s1'-'5uccor'," replied the visitor. "Ah !" replied Hakeem.

"And what wouldest thou with me ?" asked the Wise One, with eyes that saw what men would in vain withhold. "Help, Wise One, or I perish," replied the visitor. "Thou speakest Truth, Oh Man," said Hakeem. "Truly thou art as one being ground between the upper and the lower mill-stones. But be of good cheer. 'Tis indeed a strange poison that hath not practical antidote. Here ! I hand thee tu'o small volumes which I have recently written. One is entitled 'A Hundred Clever Ways to Prevent the Making of Dishonest ConceSsions.' The other is 'How to Go Straight Across Where Others Build Business Detours.' Study them well, for within their pages lies the path to.thy business success."

And he thanked him with a voice as of one resurrected. And he went forth, with a book under each arm. And, to the porter at the door he said: "Which way did those two guys go?"

Bert Bryan On Vacation Trip

Bert Bryan, president, Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, attended the annual meeting of the National Association of Credit Men held in Los Angeles May 11 to 16.

Following the meeting Mr. Bryan, accompanied by his wife and daughter, went on an automobile tour to Boulder Dam, Las Vegas, Nev., and Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon, Utah. lfe expects to be back at the office June 25.


Chas. T. Gartin. Northern California salesman for Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., .recently made a trip by automobile to the company's sawmill at Montesano, Wash., accompanied by his wife and his father, James U. Gartin, president of the Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto.They returned to San Francisco on the company's steamer, Anna Schafer.

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