2 minute read
Bv Jock Dionne Ag" not guarante?d---Some I have told for 20 years---Some less
Di]]erent-Much Di]jerent
The women's bridge club was recessing for refreshments, and while the eating and drinking was going on, the anvil chorus took up some special work, and some of the more recent town scandals were dragged into the open for discussion.
"And have you heard about the blonde stenographer in the Jones Insurance Agency?" asked one. "They tell me," she continued without need for urging, "that she makes just twenty dollars a week salary, yet she lives in a wonderful apartment, drives a car that cost three thousand dollars, and is one of the best dressed women in this town."
The old maid was listening with live !" she unctiously exclaimed.
"No, Sister," said she who had ..NOT AS YOU LIVE !'' all ears. "Well as I repeated the scandal;
41000 Sawmills Open Up Under A. J. Russell Elected Director
Lumber Code National-American Association
Washington, D. C., June 6.-Estimated figures from a survey made by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association for the Lumber Code Authority show that in the seven largest lumber producing regions, those from which both pre-Code and Code data are available, more than 4,@O sawmills have begun operations since the Code went into effect last August. It is calculated that fewer than forty of these mills produce more than 5,000,000 feet of lumber per year, and are therefore considered as large.
In the seven regions 17,243 mills are currently operating (not all continuously), as compared to 13,011 in July, 1933. In the same regions 3,200 mills have been continuously idle since Sept. 1, 1933.
The divisions covered are: Southern pine, Southern and Appalachian hardwoods, Northern hemlock and hardwoods, Northeastern lvoods. West Coast woods. redwood. and Western pine.
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, was elected a director of the National American Wholesale Lumber Association at the annual meeting of the Association held May 24. The other directors are: D. D. Baldwin, Seattle; E. L. Cheason, Jacksonville, Fla.; George !V. Duffy, Spokane, Wash.; R. D. Huntting, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; C. F. Kreamer, Philadelphia; John L Shafer, South Bend, Ind. ; Otis N. Shepard, New York; C. F. Leatherbee. Boston.
Max Myers was re-elected president. Otis N. Shepard was elected first vice president, and John I. Colburn, Philadelphia, second vice president. Wm. Schuette, Jr., New York, n'as re-elected treasurer, and W. W. Schupner, New York, was re-elected secretary. North Coast manager, R. A. Dailey, Seattle. Department manager, S. L. Darling, New York.
S. L. Weaver Receives Good Showing in Home Financing Honorary Degree
Sylvester L. Weaver, former president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and for the past trventy years a leader of civic affairs in that city, was arvarded an honorary degree of doctor of lar.vs at the commencement exercises of the college of law, California Associated Colleges, in the Central Junior High School auditorium, Los Angeles, Thursday evening. May 31. He was presented for the degree by Hon. William C. Doran, judge of the Superior Court.
Mr. 'Weaver is well known to the lumber trade on the Pacific Coast where he has been connected with the roofing business for many years. He is president of the Pacific Coast Asphalt Shingle and Roofing Institute.
The Santa Cruz County Building & Loan Association, Santa Cruz, Calif.. has been commended by Mr. W. F. Duffy, President of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Los Angeles, for the good work they are doing in home financirg. In a letter to the Association, Mr. Duffy savs:
"It is rvith pleasure that I note the increasing amount of lending activity by your company in the Santa Cruz area. It is just this lending of money, both for new home construction and for the refinancing of present loans, that is going to materially assist in the National Recovery program."
According to Roy W. Bagby, secretary of the Association, 55 loans have been made on homes during the first four months of this year totaling $64,191.57, representing loans for new construction and for refinancing.