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Hiddan Taxes

Hiddan Taxes

Our well assorted stocksr our well known dealer policy and our centrd location guarantee the kind of SERVICE you demand.

For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.

"You have been in the habit of crawling out of bed in the morning from between cotton sheets taxed at over four cents a pound. You have gone into the bathroom and turned on the electric light, taxed at 3 per cent of your bill. You have brushed your teeth with a dentifrice taxed at 5 per cent. The soap you used had a five per cent tax on it.

"When you sat down to breakfast there was a card on your table printed in invisible ink which you could not read but which said, nevertheless: 'Cover charge payable to Government-25 per cent of the cost of all the food on this table.' Your ham was taxed over two dolldrs per hundred weight. The ice water came from a refrigerator which was taxed 5 per cent of what you paid for it. The toast you ate carried fifty-three different taxes. Other food, the silverware, linens, dishes and other household appliances, each bore the sign invisible of hundreds of tax collectors.

"When you light a cigarette you are taxed nearly 100 per cent. The fliwer you drive to the office carries a 3 per cent sales tax. Your tires are taxed 2/2 cents per pound, the inner tubes 4 cents per pound, and when you fill your tank with gas you pay more in taxes on the gas than the wholesale price."

The fine 'llegitimatet' theaters have POC Stage foorssome over 27 ye.arc old,. Constant moving, banging and fastening of heavy scenery and equipmcnt require foors that are impact tesistant-no .plintering or cracking-yet soft and firm enough to read.ly take and hold and permit easy removal of temporary screw and nail grips.

Your customers would like to know about this wood for ,TOUGH SPOTS"

Smith Wood-Products, Inc.

95t#7 sorrfE aLAr[EDA sTRBrf, TelcpbncTRiriE c57 IuIailing,lilnr: P. O. 8o196, Arcadc Station

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