3 minute read
Ten Files of Years The California Ago Today
From the Lumber Merchant, June 1 5, 1926
The Redwod plant operated by Per,cy J. Brown at Stafford, near Scotia, was destroyud* Ot fire on May 20..
A section of a "Cannibal Fir" 45 inches in diameter, imprisoning a smaller tree nearly 15 inches in diameter complete with one inch of bark was displayed recently in Portland. The large tree was about 2L5 years old and the bulging rings showed it grew around the smaller one requiring about 150 years to enclose it. The log was found by a logger for the Booth-Kelly*Lumber Co.
Nearly 400 registered at the annual picnic of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association held at the Orange County Park on Saturday, Jl""*t.
The C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. has purchased the
R. O. Wilson of R. O. Wilson Lumber Co., San Francisco, left May 24 for a business and pleasure trip to the Eastern States. He flew to Chicago by way of Los Angeles, and bought a new car at the factory in Michigan which he is using to visit points in Pennsylvania and other states. He will drive back to San Francisco and expects to be home early in July.
Robert M. Grant wasmarried to Miss Marcelles Marie Orth in Berkeley, May 17,1936.
Mr. Grant is with the Smith Lumber Company, Oakland.
Glad Event
A daughter, Diane, was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirk at San Luis Obispo, May 24.
Mr. Kirk is general superintendent of yards for the Southern Pacific Milling Company.
Will Share Profits With Employees
Beginning June 1, employees of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. will receive one-half of the annual, profits of the company at the end of each year after deducting 7 per cent for the stockholders on the invested capital, it was announced on May 21. The profits will be distributed equitably among all employees in addition to their regular salaries. The head offices of the company are in Los Angeles.
East Bay Club Meets June 22
Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 will meet at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, J:uu:'e 22.
H. C. McQuarrie, bow and arrow expert, will talk on "Archery" and demonstrate his skill.
Special Officer McConnell will explain "Fingerprinting," with demonstration, and the Maddern Trio will fu'rnish dinner music. Door prize will be $15.00.
steamer, Lake Superior, and renamed it the C. D. Johnson III.
The first prize of. $1000 was awarded to E. If. Percy, chief engineer of the Union Lumber Company, Fort Bragg, for his invention of log carriage devices in the waste prevention contest of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. The second prize, $50O, went to W. J. Ferguson, machine shop foreman of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., Marshfield, Ore., for invention of a "line and delay graphic recording device for sawmill*carriages."
A. B. Griswold, who has been connected with the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. mill at Toledo, Ore., has joined the sales staff of the company''s San Francisco office.
Moves To Larger Offices
Moore Mill & Lumb,er Co. will move from the 5th floor, Underwood Building, 525 Market Street, San Francisco, to lirger quarters on the 4th floor, rooms 424 and, 425, before July 1. Telephone number is EXbrook 4745.
Returns From Eastern Trip
Carl W. Hornibrook, sales manag'er of the Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., is back from a business trip to the Middle West where he visited Chicago and called on the millwork plants in the Mississippi Valley. He returned by way of Los Angeles where he attended a hearing of the freight container bureau of the Association of American Railways on June 9. He was also a caller at the offices of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co.
San Francisco Visitoirs
H. W. "Tim" Preston, sales manager, Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Ore., was a San Francisco visitor June 2, on his way East for a business trip.
Fred W. Thorpe, warehouse superintendent, United States Plywood Co., Inc., Los Angeles, is spending three weeks at the company's San Francisco branch.
C. M. Ambrose, vice-president and general manager of Pacific Fir Co., Seattle, Wash., recently visited San Francisco, where he called on the company's representative, Stapleton Lumber Co. He made the trip both ways by air.
Parker Mclntyre, manager of W. P. Mclntyre & Son, Fortuna, manufacturers of "Big Tree Brand" Redwood shingles, was in San Francisco on business early this month. He recentlv returned from a two weeks' business ? trip to Arizona.