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" Ghromatcd Z,Tnc'Ghlortdett

Pressure Tbea Teid Lumber

Now Treated and Stocked at Our Lo,ng Beach Plant for fmmediate Delivery to Lumber Dealers

Approved under Sec. 106 of the City of Loe Angetes Building Code

Clean Odorless Paintable Termite and Decay Resistant

Fire Retardant

Buy .'BAXCO" for Service a Pmpt shlpmts fm or stck. o Exchange wice4aler's mtrated lunbcr for or Chmteil Zirc Chlffi& atck plu charge fc bdting.

O Treating deale/c om l'-ber-mil ship- hents to ru dck c truck lots fm &atrer's yard.

Exctusive Salea Agent in Califotnia for WEST GOAST WOOD PNESENYTNG GO.

Seattle, Wash. 333 Montgomery St. SAN FRANCISCO

6O1 Vest 5th St. LOS ANGELES Phone Mfchigan 6294


There was the actor who had been out of work so long he was walking on the rims of his spats.

The Real Measure Of A Man

The place to take the true measure of a man is not in the darkest place or in the amen corner, nor the cornfield, but by his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and you may learn whether he is an imp or an angel, cur or king, hero or humbug. I care not what the world says of him, whether it crowns him boss or pelts him with bad eggs. I care not a copper what his religion may be: if his babies dread his home-coming and his better half swallows her heart every time she has to ask him for a five dollar bill, he is a fraud of the first water, even though he prays night and morning until he is black in the face, and howls hallelujah until he shakes the eternal hills.

But if his children rush to the front door.to meet him and love's sunshine illuminates the face of his wife every time she hears his foot-fall, you can take it for granted that he is O.K. for his home is heaven-and the humbug never gets that close to the throne of God. He may be a rank athiest and a red-flag anarchist, a Mormon and a Mugwump; he may buy votes in blocks of five, and bet on the elections; he may deal 'em from the bottom of the deck and drink beer until he can't tell a silver dollar from a circular saw, and still be an infinitely better man than the cowardly little humbug who is all suavity in society but who makes home a hell; who vents upon the helpless heads of his wife and children an ill nature he would inflict upon his fellow men, but dares not. I can forgive much in that fellow mortal who would rather make men srnrear than women weep; who would rather have the hate of the whole world than the contempt of his wife; who would rather call anger to the eyes of a king, than fear to the face of a childr-William Cowper Brann.


The gentleman ordered eggs for breakfast. The colored waiter said:

"Boss, p'haps you bettah try somethin' else. Ah jus' caint reckermend de aigs dis mawnin'."

"What's the matter with them?" asked the gentleman. "Aren't they fresh?"

Phone DOuglag 3883

"Well, Suh, Cap'n," replied the colored one, dubiously, "Ah caint say dey is an' Ah caint say dey ain't, cause de fack is an' t' tell you de hones' truff-we jus' ain't got none.t'

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