4 minute read

\(/holesafers Hofd Annual lvleeting

The 44th annual meeting of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association was held at Atlantic City, N. J., on May 13-14. Thb following offi,cers were elected for the coming year: Otis N. Shepard, New York, president; John I. Coulbourn, Philadelphia, first vice-president; Robert C. Pepper, Springfield, Mass., second vice-president; William Schuette, Jr., New York, treasurer; W. W. Schupner, New York, se,cretary-directing manager; R. A, Dailey, Seattle, North Coast manager; and Sid L. Darling, New York, department manager.

Directors elected for the three year term expiring 1939 were: J. M. Allen, Vancouver, B. C.; Henry N. Anderson, Alberdeen, Wash; J. A. Currey, New York; R. C. Pepper, Springfield, Mass.; W. H. Schuette, Pittsburgh, Pa.; John C. Shepherd, Charlotte, N. C.; Shirley G. Taylor, Bufialo, N. Y.; J. R. Thames, Birmingham, Ala.; C. N. Troutner, Richmond, Va., and Ernest S. Cornwall, Saginaw, Mich.

The session entitled "Distribution, Traditions and Trends," was a triangular discussion by three New York lumbermen with Andrew H. Dykes giving the viewpoint of the retailer, J. A. Currey, the viewpoint of the wholesaler, and an independent and detached view by Henry J. Eckstein.

The session, "Profit Problems of the Wholesaler," covering problems affecting various regions lvas opened with a discussion by H. M. Vivian of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. He was followed by Gus Prestegaard, Lincoln, Neb.; J. S. Kent, San Francisco,; Charles Johnson, Rochester, N. Y.; C. N. Troutner, Richmond, Va.; and C. F. Leatherbee, Boston, Mass.

"Will We Help Keep Lumber in the Pictuie," was presented by Max Myers, Clevel4nd, Ohio, president of the trade promotion committee, who was followed by Wilsotr Compton, Washington, D. C., secretary of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. The convention end,orsed a plan under which it is hoped wholesalers (members and non-members) will voluntarily subscribe $10,000 for promotion work, particularly for building code purposes, a fundamental activity afrecting all wholesalers.

"The Situation on the North Coast" was covered by

Roy A. Dailey, manager of the North Coast office cf the Association at Seattle, and W. W. Woodbridge, Seattle, Wash., manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, talked on the topi'c, "The Wholesaler and Red Cedar Shingles," indicating what had already been done and what could be further accomplished through closer co-operation with the Bureau.

A resolution was adopted stating that a survey of wholesale lumber distributing 'costs by the National-Americari Wholesale Lumber Association offers convincing evidence that the average cost substantially exceeds 8 per cent, and as it is economically unsound to do business less than cost, urged that all wholesalers should resist any attempts on the part of the mills to reduce said discount below the minimum of 8 per cent. Other resolutions were adopted opposing the Robinson-Patman, Healey-Walsh and Wheeler anti-trust basing point bills and calling upon Congress to abandon the attempt to pass numerous bills now before it to confer upon the Government authority and the power to place numerous additional restraints upon business.

President Otis N. Shepard was toastmaster at the annual banquet. The guest speakers were Ben S. Woodhead of Beaumont, Texas, a former president of the association and one of its original founders, and T. L. Husselton of Atlantic City, N. J.

Peter White Visits East And South

Peter White, chief inspector for White Brothers, San Francisco, is on a vacation trip, accompanied by his wife, to his old home in St. John, Nerv Brunswick. On the return trip to San Francisco he will swing down through the Southern States, where he will visit a number of hardwood mdnufacturers.

Change Of Office

The Weyerhaeuser Sales Company on June 1 moved their Los Angeles office to 92O W. M. Garland Bldg., 117 West Ninth Street. Their new telephone number is Mlchigan 6354.

lssue Boolclet on Shevlin Pine Log Siding and Knotty Pine Patterns

A new booklet showing Shevlin Pine log siding and knotty pine patterns manufactured by The McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif., and The Shevlin-Hixon Company, Bend, Ore., has been issued by these companies. These produ,cts are sold by the Shevlin Pine Sales Company. The patterns listed are those generally used and which the ,companies are prepared to furnish.

The booklet gives the specifications for producing New England finishes on Shevlin Pine knotty finsh, and also included is Techni'cal Bulletin No. 4, 'fHints on Preparing Knotty Pine Paneling," which has been published by the Western Pine Association. It also discusses Shevlin Pine knotty finish and the use of the common grades for interior paneling.

Adjourned Annual Meeting Will Be Held At Chicago

The adjourned annual meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., will be held at the Palmer House, Chicago, Ill,, on Monday, June 29,1936, at l0:00 A.M. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, hearing reports of officers, and transacting other business that will come before the meeting. The above meeting is to be held in accordance with a resolution adopted at the annual meeting which was held at the offi,ce of the corporation in Los Angeles on June 8.

Vacationing In The East

W. B. Wickersham, district manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Mrs. Wickersham, are on a motor trip to their old home in lllinois. Going east they traveled by way of New Orleans, stopping at Carlsbad, New Mexico, to visit the caves and on the return trip they will visit the Taos Indian Reservation in New Mexico, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona. They will return to tos Angeles July 1.


E. C. Mooney, assistant sales manager of the Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., has returned to the mill following a trip to Southern California and Arizona. With George Geary, in charge of the Sugar and Ponderosa Pine department, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, they spent several days calling on the Arizona retail lumber trade. E. K. Wood Lumber Co. represents the Ewauna Box Company in Southern California.

Annual Frolic June 2g21

The Annual Frolic of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club which was scheduled for June 6-7 but postponed due to bad weather will be held on June 2O-21. They will be the guests of F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, at his summer home at Twin Brooks, which is located in the mountains abotrt fifty m,iles east of Fresno.

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