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Plywood Company Completing New Plant

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The West Coast Plywood Company is just completing its new plant which occupies five acres of ground located at the Port of Grays Harbor midway between Aberdeen 4nd Hoquiam, Washington. This location was chosen because of its direct rail and steamship connections to all parts of the United States and world markets.

A. R. Wuest, president and general manager, and A. R. Welch, vice-president of the new company, pioneers in the manufacturing of Plywood, have been responsible for many important improvements in the manufacture of Plywood. H. Bruce Wiscomb is sales manager.

Mr. Wuest, in a recent interview with a representative of this publication, stated: "I believe that the Plywood industry has a greater future before it than ever before. The product has demonstrated its merit as a standard building material. The building of this new mill will realize a lifetime ambition and will give our company a plant that is second to none in effi.ciency and equipment.

"Recognizing the service the jobber has given the industry in building up acceptance of Plywood, it is our policy to sell only through recognized jobbers and assist them in every possible manner to build up their Plywood business. Our policy will be one of fair dealing, quality products and prompt service."

Mr. Welch, who is in charge of production, when inter' viewed, stated: "Our manufacturing unit is unique because of its extraordinary working area. In fact, it is one of the largest single units ever built in this industry. The building is so constructed that there are no posts to interfere with economical and efficient operation. On our dock, we have a bridge crane with a 200-foot run for picking up logp out of the water and servicing the lathe. The lathe is modern in every respect and one of the largest production lathes ever built by the Coe Manufacturing Company. Our automatic dryers have a tremendous drying capacity and are the widest yet built for the manufacture of Plywood. Great care has been exercised in the purchase of sanding equipment, which plays a very important part in the finishing of the product.

"All in all, we are equipped to manufacture 80 million feet of Plywood per year, which will include Douglas Fir, Philippine Mahogany, Spruce, Hemlock and Ribbon Grain Mahogany in sizes up to 72 inches by lM inches."

The officers of the West Coast Plywood Company are A. R. Wuest, president and general manager; A. R.Welch, vice-president in ,charge of production; Oscar Smith, treasur€r; Theodore Bruener, secretary. The directors include the above ofificers and the following prominent and successful business men of Grays Harbor: A. J. Delateur, R. G. Hall, George Pauze and E. K. Bishop. The address of the company is, 'West Coast Plywood Company, Aberdeen, Washington.

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