1 minute read
Vitat Constnuction
Impbovdd Mdihods
THE Tr.o Connector system of wood construction has brought about an ePochal advance in tho structural use of lunber . r r€leaeing eteel in vast quantities for the war efrort . Presenting an unlimited new field for gervice and activity to architectsr engineers and contractora. Lumber takee over!
Ae a result of the Teco Connector aystem of wood construction, lurnber csn be us€d rnore effcctively and economicallY than ever before in deaigningt engineering and construction. A simPle invention, eirnple to use, the T Connector distributee the area of atresses at joints over almort the entire width of the mernber, giving rnore rigid/and etronger jointa rnith lr,ss tnotbrio'l.
It has rnade poFsible the swift and economical construction 9f thoueands of defenee etructtirest including large and small/factories
- ""t1! chapelspre;'fabricated houseehangars -fry docks - wood trusaee with c-l'ecr spane of 180 feet attd rno56-graceful wood towera morg'than 3fi) feet high. It opens th6 way for meet-
for full detailsl
fimber Conneetors Soae t
a ton ofsteelr enough foraPproxirnately 4(X) army riflest or 50 heavy machlno gune.