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Thoroughly competent bookkeeper and counter man for high type retail yard in Southern Calilornia. Best of climates and working conditions. Address Box C-946, California Lumber Merchant, S0g Central Bldg., Los Angeles.

Position Wanted

Lumberman with thirty years experience operating in Southern and Western woods-all phases of construction, logging, manufacturing--desires position as buyer, with woodworking factorn line yard firm, rnanager of retail yard, or assistant to owner. Age 53 years. References.

Address Box C-947, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central BJdg., Los Angeles.


Charles B. White and W. T. (Bill) Meyer of White Brothers, San Francisco, returned recently from a five weeks' business and pleasure trip. They went as far east as the Atlantic Coast states and called on a number of the firm's hardwood mill connections in the Southern states.

Returns From East

Kenneth Smith, president of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, returned June 5 after being four weeks in the East on business of the Association. He visited Chicago and Washington, D. C., and spent a few days in Seattle and Portland on the way home.

Al Nolan On Seattle Trip

A. J. Nolan, 'Western sales rjranager, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, is back from a 10-day visit to Seattle on business connected with the company's steamer Scotia.



Stuart Smith of Fountain-Smith, Los Angeles, spent a few days in San Francisco on business at the end of May.

Back From Northwest Trip

A. C. Pascoe, Pacific Coast sales representative of Wood Mosaic Company of Louisville, Kentucky, has returned to Los Angeles from spending two weeks on business in the Pacific Northwest. He also visited San Francisco on his way back to Southern California.

Los Angeles Building Permits

Los Angeles building permits for the month of May totaled $2,454,475 as compared with $8,611,734 for May, 1941. The building total for the current year up to and including May 31 was g32,527,944 as compared with g36,?n4,9n for the corresponding period in 1941.

For Sale

One Yates-American 30" No. 177, Double Surfacer, ball bearing, electric direct connected. Used. In excellent condition.. Price $2,500 F.O.B. our yard. E. J. Stanton & Son

2050 E. 38th St. Los Angeles, Calif.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers,80l Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Nlma And Teco Move Washington Offices To New Afpi Building

Growing National Lumber Manufacturers Association activities, recently hampered by space so inadequate that it drew frequent comment from visitors, will have lebensraum' in new quarters at 1319 Eighteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D.C., recently purchased by American Forest Products Industries, fnc. The Timber Engineering Company staff also moved to the new address on June 1.

The building will be designated the American Forest Pioducts Industries Building.

On Northern Trip

A. L. (Gus) Hoover, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for The Pacific Lumber Company and Wendling-Nathan Co., is spending a few days in San Francisco and at Pacific's mill at Scotia.

California Visitor

R. L. Ross, Oregon Lumber Sales, Eugene, Ore., is spending a few days in San Francisco and Los Angeles on bus-iness.

3ooo New Homes For Harbor Area

Construction of 3000 new homes for war workers in the Wilmington-San Pedro area will start shortly, Nicola Giulii, chairman of the Los Angeles City Housing Authority, has announced.

The project calls for a dormitory development accommodating 1000 single men and a 2000-unit dormitory for families without children. These will supplement 3500 units already in construction in the San Pedro district.

In The East

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