11 minute read

When the coll come, MAPLE wos reody

It tbe Nords Cottot Milk, Catcccbec, S. C., 4o,ooo sq. rt, of fioor area uas recently rc-foored uitb z5/12,, t Flt No7/,bcn

Northern Hord Mople Flooring

-Reqdy For Prompt Shipment

Because our flooring mills have long cooperared in the inrerests of prompt service, the Nonhern Hard Maple industry has been able to supply every Hard Maple "war flooring" {rder without delav.

Manufacnrre has kept apace to make sure rhat no part of the vital work of arming America would suffer becauie of a lack of sultab-le flooring. And, because the industry was ready, today traffi c-fast, comfortable, non-dustins Maple'Floorine in traffic-fast, comfdrtable, non-dusring Maple ng rn scores of plants is speeding the building-of Aherica's oFensrve Power, projects and There's plenty of business today, for Maple. New defense oiects defense homes-facrorv. homelnd oublic build- homes-factbry, home and public building repair and maintenance (without governmental limitations) -and farm, home and' industria'i remodeling, within limitations. Our member mills have Hard Maple Floorins ng Maole ready for prompr shipment.

tllple Floonrtc illturlcruRERs Assocrnrrot


17t7 llcCormicl Building, Ghicago, lllinois

Lumber Freere Order

(Continued from Page 15) by a responsible official duly designated for such purpose by the Purchaser:.

All construction lumber covered bY this purchase order (or contrlct) is to be sold, shipped, and/ot delivered in complance with ParagraPh (b)

(1) (i) (c) of Limitation Order L-121 wittr ttre terms of which I am familiar.

Name .. Byt


(d) Any producer may sell, ship and/or 'a6nvei iny construclion iumbbr either directly oi through one or more intervening persons) to any person if such construction lumber is ultimately to be used for the construction, extension, remodeling, repair or malntenance of buildings or structures for the stotage of agr{cultural products prodLr-ced by farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, or nut or fruit growers, or if such construction lumber is to be used for the packing, boxing, crating or stowing for shipment of such products; but only if there is endorsed on the purchase order or contract for such construction lumber the following statement, signed by the purchaser or by a responsible official duly designated for such purchaser:

All construction lumber covered by this purchase order (or contract) is to be sold, shipped, and/or delivered in compliance with paragraph (b) (1)(i)(d) of Limitation Order L121 with the terms of which I am familiar.

Name ii"t!'


Each endorsement made under the provisions of this Order shall constitute a representation to the producer and to the War Production Board that the construction lumber referred to therein will be used in accordance with the said endorsement.

(ii) Any construction lumber which is actually in transit on the date of issuairce of this

Order may be delivered to its ultimate destination i

(iii) Any producer may sell, ship and/or de- - livei any construction lumber to any other producer;

(iv) Any producer may sell, ship, and/or de- ' liver such construction lumber upon the specific authorization of the Director of Industry Operations on PD-423 for the specific sale, shipment, and/or delivery of such construction lumber.

This amendment shall take effect immediately.

Issued this 28th Day of May,1942

J. S. Knowlson Director of Industry OPerations

Classes in Salesmanship and Sales Management at USC

The University of Southern California, University College, I-os Angeles, announces for the summer quarter night classes in Salesmanship and Sales Management. Lectures in salesmanship will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:20 p.m., first lecture Jtne '22, and in Sales Management on Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 to 9:20 p.m., first lecture June 23. Anyone interested is invited to attend the first lectures of both classes as guest of the College. The classes will be held in Room 303, I-aw Building.

The lecturer, P. W. Combs, Sr., has a background of long experience as Sales and Advertising Manager with nationally known companies, also as Marketing Consultant. His articles on these subjects have been published in business magazines, and he has won recognition as a popular speaker to business groups. He is well known to lumbermen, having appeared on the programs of many lumber conventions throughout the country, and was the featured speaker at one of the meetings of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club last year.

Edric Brown In New York

Edric E. Brown, manager of the Bark Products Division of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, left June 11 for New York, where he will make his headquarters for the next three months.

His activities in the East will be in relation to insulation requirements of the Government, and also in connection with the utilization of materials in mattresses, hats and other products.

Mr. Brown is accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Brown and their son, Richard.

We sqlute the retail declers lorced todcy to mcke big sccrilices to help win the grecrt "\llfqr ol Survivql," and stand ready to crssist in every possible way with our rrDependable Personal Servicet'

New Balsam-Wool Dealer Display

A new Balsam-Wool wall display that can be mounted on a wall or, because of its self-supporting construction, can be used as a counter display is now available to retail lumber dealers through salesmen of the Wood Conversion Company. In the lower left of the display is an actual wall section in miniature, with double thick Balsam-Wool applied between framing members. The blanket is cut at an angle across the top and clearly shows the Balsam-Wool mat. A heavy cellophane covering keeps it dust-free. This ,section also displays Nu-Wood sheathing and Nu-Wood lath.

The entire display is mounted on tuff-wood and is identical in size (18" x 18") and shape to its predecessor.

Wendel D. Farrar

Wendel D. Farrar, 58, owner of the Humphrey-Farrar Lumber Co., Berkeley, Calif., passed away in Berkeley on June 8.

He was with the Tilden Lumber Co., Berkeley, for many years before he went into business for himself.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alma Farrar, a daughter, and three sons. He was the son of the late Dr. Joseph Farrar.

Fu.neral services were conducted by Durant Lodge No. 268,F. & A. M. in Oakland on June 10.

Ten Years Aso Today

From June 15, 1939 lssue

Southern Pacific Milling Co. purchased the Gilroy Central Lumber Co. at Gilrov.

A new service department and display room was opened by the Patterson Lumber Co., Patterson, when the public was invited to attend a formal opening.

The Capital Lumber Company of Sacramento filed articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State.

Brentwood Lumber Company, Brentwood, held a formal opening of their new home service department.

Merced Lumber Company, Livingston, opened a new builders' hardware department.

"Dobbsie," tttiorrally-krr-"r, radio broadcaster, talked over the Columbia network on Stockton's harbor development.


Communication lines for Navy Department workers in Washington are being shortened by two covered, timber walkways across the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool to connect the main building with temporary structures.

Designed by the Public Buildings Administration, these walkways consist of a series of 3?-foot Teco trusses supported by timber bents.

The Measure Of A Man

The place to take the true measure of a man is not in the market place or in the amen corner, nor in the cornfield, but by his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and you may learn whether he is imp or angel, cur or king, hero or humbug. I care not what the world says of him, whether it crowns him boss, or pelts. him with bad eggs. I care not a copper what his reputation or religion may be, if his babies dread his homecoming and his better half swallows her heart every time she has to ask him for a five dollar bill, he is a fraud of the 6rst water, even though he prays night and morning until he is black in the face, and howls hallelujah until he shakes the eternal hills.

But if his children rush to the front door to meet him, and love's sunshine illumines the face of his wife every time she hears his foot-fall, you catt take it for granted that he is pure gold, for his home is heaven, and the humbug never gets that near the great white throne of God.

-W. C. Brann.


"\l[/ere you annoyed because I sharpened my pencil with your razor?" asked his wife.

"i was annoyed twice," replied the candid husband. "Once when f tried to shave with the razor, and again when f tried to write with the pencil."


Coal was employed long before the Christian era, in China. The first shipment of coal to London was made in 124O, and. the first successful effort to smelt ore with coal in a blast furnace was by one Simon Sturterrant, an Englishman, in 1612.

In 1275 Marco Polo, a Venetian traveler, wrote as follows: "It is a fact that all over the country of Cathay there is a kind of black stone existing in beds in the mountains, which they dig out and burn like fire-wood. It is true they have plenty of wood also, but they do not burn it because these stones burn better and cost less.', In lZ50 the Virginia bituminous mines were opened and worked on the James River near Richmond. Five years after the Virginia mines began operation we hear of the discovery of coal in Ohio by one Lewis Evans, following which, in 1760, anthracite coal was first discovered in Rhode Island.

Thomas Edison On Work

Thomas Edison made this statement on his seventythird birthday: "I am glad that the eight hour day had not been invented when I was a young man. I am wondering what would have happened to me by now if fifty years ago some fluent talker had converted me and convinced me that it was not fair to my fellow workers to put forth my, best efforts in my work. This country would not amount to as much as it does if the young men of fifty yqus ago had been afraid that they might earn more than they were paid."

Rhymed Philosophy

I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, But the wheel that does the squeaking is the one.that gets the grease.

It's nice to be a peaceful soul, and not too hard to please, But the dog that's always scratching, is the one that has the feas.

I hate to be a kicker, means nothing in a showBut the kickers in the chorus are the ones that get the dough.

The art of soft-soap spreading is the thing that palls and sta.les, But the guy that swings the hammer is the one that drives the nails.

Let us not put any notions that are harmful, in your head, But the baby that keeps yelling, is the baby that gets fed.

Ode To A Nag

Oh horse, you are a wondrous thing, No horns to honk, no bells to ring, No license buying every year, With plates to stick on front and rear. No sparks to miss, no gears to strip, You start yourself ; no clutch to slip, No gas bills mounting every day, To steal the joy of life away.

Your inner tubes are all O.K. And'pray the Lord they stay that way. Your spark plugs nwer fuss or miss, Your motor never makes a hiss. Your frame is good for many a mile, Your body never changes style. Your wants are few, and easy met, You've something on the auto yet.

Hoo-Hoo Viaory Dinner and Golf Tournament June 18

A $25.00 War Bond will be awarded to the winner of the door prize at the Hoo-Hoo Victory Dinner and Golf Tournament for lumbermen and members of the allied industries to be held at the Altadena Country Club, Altadena, Thursday, June 18, 1942. The affair is sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club.

Winners in the first and second flights, and other special events, will receive War Savings Stamps and other suitable prizes.

The golfer turning in the low gross score will be awarded the Roy Stanton trophy, and to the low net winner will go The California Lumber Merchant trophy. For permanent possession of these trophies, they must be won three times.

The tournament will start at 12:30 p.m. Dinner will be served in the Club House at 7:ffi p.m. The committee has arranged for some high-class entertainment, and those who do not play golf are invited to take in the dinner.

Tickets for golf and dinner will be 93.00. To play golf only, the green fee will be $1.50, and to those who attend the dinner only the charge will be $1.50.

The announcements have been mailed out. Send in the return post card as soon as possible. Guests are welcome.

The committee in charge of the arrangements includes: George E. Ream, George E. Ream Company, chairman; LeRoy H. Stanton, E. I. Stairton & Son, entertainment; F'red Golding, Anglo California Lumber Co., and Harvey Koll, H. W. Koll Lumber Co., handicaps and handling the tournament; R. S. Osgood, Frieder Brothers, and D. C. Essley, D. C. Essley & Son, prizes; Ed Martin, The California Lumber Merchant, publicity.

Reservations can be made by calling Ed Martin, 508 Central Building, Los Angeles-Telephone VAndike 4565.

550 Houses to be Buift at Napa

Construction of 550 private single family dwellings on a 100-acre site at the western city limits of Napa, Calif., at a cost of more than $2,000,000, will be started immediately according to an announcement recently made at a meeting of the Napa City Council.

The homes will be of permanent construction and will be sold to defense workers under a Federal purchase plan.

Redwood Logging Conlerence

The Sixth Redwood Logging Conference at Eureka, Calif., on May 22nd and 23rd, was a two-day session beginning with a field trip to The Pacific Lumber Company's operation on Yager Creek, and winding up with an allday indoor discussion of logging problems. The trip to the logging camp was preceded by a brief visit to the sawmill and the bark peeling and shredding plant at Scotia, and lunch at the camp. The party was taken from camp to woods on flat cars, and thence on foot to the landings.

The operation represents a newly-opened tract being logged by several methods-slackline, high lead and tractors, and combination of these. Mimeographed data on the operation was distributed to the visitors. Selective logging by tree and area selection is the aim for the entire tract, following results of a timber stand analysis in the Jordan Creek area and earlier experience with selective logging on Monument Creek. Company representatives reported on the analysis at the indoor session.

At the annual dinner session at Eureka Inn, the night of the first day, E. B. Birmingham acted as toastmaster; Winfield J. Wrigley made an address of welcome, and State Senator Irwin T. Quinn was the guest speaker. Senator Quinn spoke on the importance of logging to the redwood counties, outlined some of the changes he has noted during his lifetime in Humboldt County, complimented the loggers for inaugurating a system of selective logging whereby he hoped the industry would become continuously productive. County officers were invited, but only Supervisor Len yokum and Assessor George Fulton were able to attend. Member of the State Board of Forestry, Frank Reynolds, of Crescent City, was a guest. The field trip and dinner were pronounced by those attending as unqualifiedly successful.

Watt Hibler, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., presided at the full-day in-door session on May 23. The speakers included: S. J. Sharp, California Redwood Association; K. B. McGuire, Caspar Lumber Company; Roy G. Wagner, IJ. S. Forest Service; H. I. Bower and Lawrence A. Dodge, The Pacific Lumber Company; Gray Evans, Hammond Redwood Company; D. A. Baxter, Holmes Eureka Lumtier Co.; N. I. Matson, Twin Disc Clutch Co.; Herman Bauman and Donald K"gy, equipment men; A. Whisnant, secretary, Pacific Logging Congress; Earl Barron, Chief State Fire Ranger, and Emanuel Fritz, consulting forester, California Redwood Association.

Conveniently loccted to give you perconal senrice cmd the usual highest guality oI lumber.

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