2 minute read
cllR0ttlATED zlilc cllt0RlDE PR E TREATTII tUiIBER
And they have misunderstood us in the same fashion. Not long since an Americanized Chinese doctor I know, a very valuable and worthy man who lives in San Francisco, made a visit to China. He found the Chinese deeply interested in America, and likewise very much befuddled about us and our habits. They asked him:
'Is it true that Americans eat dogs?'
And he answered:
'Sure ! Millions of them ! HOT ONES !' "
Celebrated 1oth Anniversary
The North Hollywood Lumber Company, North Hollywood, Calif., with the completion of a recent expansion program' celebrated their lfth anniversary last month' The company started in business in 1932. R. E. Burmeister and A. T. Hiiton are the owners.
Mr. Irumber Dealer:
Sell lumber that yields c protit ctd losting sctislodion. CZC, the Drotected lunber, ie cleo, odorlesg md pqintdble. It ic temite ond decqv re8istot md lire retcding. You cqn sell ii ti f.X.l., U. S. Govemnent, Los Angeles Citv cnd Countv oa Unitord Building Code ioba. CZC ireqted lumber is stdted tor immedicrt5 shipmeiLt in comercicl sizes dl lpng BCoch od Alcmedcr. AeL cboul our exchcrrge seryice cmd Eill Bhipmant pldt.
Gdllrrb slc Agrots. ufEsT-GoAsI Yt00D PRESERYIIIG G0.'S!.lll.
6{ll W. Fitth St., Lor A,agclos, Ccllt., Plgnc f4qhisg! 619l
3ll3 Montgonert St., Sca Floacirco, Ccl., Pboac DOuglar 38&l
\fill Give Public Accurate Information on Building Conditions
Last November, as war clouds thickened and control of business grew nearer, the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association was able to use Home magazine, its dealerconsumer publication, as an instrument of great benefit to the entire industry. Reports came in from dealers all over the country stating that the Sixth Issue of. l94l justified all the effort that had gone into Home.
The retail lumber industry has been directly affected by government war regulations and its continued existence now depends upon the accurate communication to the public of government policy r,r'ith respect to the sale and use of building materials. Many stories have been run in newspapers throughout the country which give the public a wrong impression of the status of building conditions and regulations. Many people have been led to believe they must get a permit or rating to buy a piece of" 2 x 4 or a toothpick.
At the request of H. R. Northup, secretary-manager of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association. the home Publication Committee and President Blackstock consented to convert the magazine from a strictly sales promotional magazine for the lumber industry to a source of accurate information for the public concerning government regulations and building restrictions.
The Lumber industry must continue to broadcast the "up-keep and conservation of homes and farms,, theme. The fact that the administration has not seen fit to ban all non-defense building is sufficient evidence of its importance. The promotion of this idea is definitely the building industry's part in the successful prosecution of the war. Are you doing your part?
For copies of recent issues of Home magazine and details concerning methods of distribution, dealers are urged to write to National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, Publication Office, 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Joins Washington Staff
Washington, D. C., May 25,1942--Ihe National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association announces that Edward H. ("Ed") Libbey of Washington, D. C., has joined the staff of its Washington office.
Mr. Libbey joins the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association at a time when the industry is confronted with unprecedented problems, and when the need for additional industry coverage of the various Washington agencies is of paramount interest to all retail lumber dealers. He brings to the Association a background of wide and varied Washington contacts, in addition to his legal training as a member of the Washington, D. C. Bar.
Twenty years of sales promotional and managerial experience in the milling industry and experience in retail selling add .to Mr. Libbey's qualifications, plus his long active participation in Trade Association activities connected with the soft wheat milling industry. The National Association is fortunate in securing assistance of this caliber, and is, for this reason, anticipating rendering a more adequate service to the entire fndustry.