11 minute read
Replacement of Yard Stocks for Dcalers Servicing War Production
H. R. Northup, secretary-manager of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, in a letter to the Federated Associations on May n, 1942, states :
"We have discussed with the Lumber and Lumber Products Branch of the War Production Board the problem confronting lumber dealers who have rendered a vital and necessary service to war industries in the matter of making quick deliveries to shipbuilding plants, munitions plants, and others, of many lumber items from yard stocks.
"Limitation Order L-l?l makes it impossible for dealers to replenish yard stoiks for this or any other purpose for a sixty-day period.
"The Lumber Branch is well aware of this problem, which is not confined to any one section of the country, and is anxious to find a solution.
"Procedure to be Followed to Get Immediate Relief :
"fn response to many inquiries, the Lumber and Lumber Products Branch has adopted a procedure which is giving relief to dealers in many areas. Below, we are quoting a type of telegram being sent to dealers requestingrelief:
'Retel- consideration of exemption from order L-IZL f.or replacement of inventory retail yards or distributors will be given only for specific purchases to replace material delivered to purchasers authorized to receive construction lumber under the order. If the exception is granted you must certify that the construction lumber so received will be delivered only to purchasers specified in the order.'
"Ilnder this procedure, it is requested that dealers confronted with this problem immediately write to the Lumber and Lumber Products Branch of the War Production Board, furnishing information of the following nature:
1. Names of u'ar industries being serviced.
2. Ratings accorded to the various projects being serviced.
3. Lumber items required to service these industries.
4. Names of mills with whom orders have been placed.
5. Percentage of dealer's business represented by his service to war industries.
6. Any other pertinent information.
"The War Froduction Board, in the cases where relief has been granted, has taken the information received from the dealer and, upon reaching a decision to afford relief, has wired the mills, authorizing shipments to dealers of the construction lumber items necessary to enable them to filt orders for war industries.
"ft is entirely possible that the War Production Board will accord relief to many dealers in instances where vital war industries are being serviced but, as the wire we have quoted indicates, dealers must give assurance that stocks received in this manner will be used only for one purpose, namely, that of. servicing definite and specific war jobs for which the relief has been granted.
'iAll such requests should be addressed to:
Mr. John M. Oliver, Chief, Distribution Section Lumber and Lumber Products Branch War Production Board Room lM 433-3rd Street, N. W. Washington, D. C."
Beronio Lumber Co. Moves
Beronio Lumber Company recently moved from their old location at Beach and Powell Streets, San Francisco, to a new location at 2525 Marin Street, corner of Kansas Street. The new telephone number is VAlencia 3283.
The move was made necessary by the Government need for the North Beach property. The work of moving the stock of 1,500,000 feet of lumber, the mill and office building, was accomplished in two weeks. A spur track to accommodate three cars is being put in. The property, which is three and a half acres in extent, is owned by the company.
Beronio Lumber Company was established in lgZl by the late Antone Beronio, who had previously been associated with a partner in the lumber business at the same site. The yard, which has for many years been an important factor in the retail lumber industry in San Francisco, is managed by Milton Beronio, who started to work for his brother in 1923.
This yard normally carries a stock of more than 2,SOO,000 feet of Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Spruce lumber.
Discontinues Business
The Vernon Lumber Company, Los Angeles, discontinued business on June 1. Yost-Linn Lumber Company, Los Angeles, purchased their lumber stock.
Celotex Enlarges its Executive Staff Rigid Controls Over Construction
To facilitate the servicing of war construction projects, The Celotex Corporation has enlarged its executive staff by appointing Lee Bartholomew, formerly manager of the company's Cleveland division, as an assistant general sales manager, according to an announcement by Marvin Greenu'ood, g€neral sales manager. He will devote most of his time to this service.
His place as Cleveland division manager will be taken by E. E. Dierking, fomerly assistant division manager.
Mr. Bartholomew returns to a post which he held with ,the company in 1938, prior to his appointment as general sales manager of Celotex, Ltd., of London, the company's English subsidiary. He returned from London in June, 1940, and has served as Cleveland division manager since that time.

He joined The Celotex Corporation in 1932 as a sales representative in the Cleveland division. Later he became division manager and retained that post until 1938. Before joining Celotex, he was in the retail lumber business in Seattle.
During his stay in England, Mr. Bartholomew observed the operations of the English building industry under wartime conditions. Ife was in close touch with war requirements for insulation board, particularly in the construction of cantonments, housing for workerS, factories and other war structures, and also for blackout purposes.
Mrg. Winnie Rhoades \(/hite
Mrs. Winnie Rhoades White, wife of William Thornton White, president of White Brothers, San Francisco, passed away suddenly in San Francisco on May 31.
Mrs. White was the daughter of the late Ira O. Rhoades of San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Funeral services were held in San Francisco on Wednesday, June 3.
Washington, May 3G-In a move to make all possible material and effort available for immediate war production, top officials of the War Production Board and the War and Navy Departments have established broad principles governing all wartime construction which will bring such building under more rigid conservation control.
The program means that no new plants will be built unless they are absolutely essential and can meet seven newly established criteria. This applies not only to direct war plants but to all other construction, both publicly and privately financed.
One of the main reasons for the new policy is that all critical materials'are needed for war production now, and no materials can be spared for building new facilities except when they are absolutely necessary. The policy means simply that, in the light of existing shortages, it is necessary to put materials and effort into planes, ships, tanks and g'uns now, rather than putting them into plants which would not produce fighting weapons until a much later date.
The principles were outlined in a directive, efiective immediately, signed by Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the War Production Board, William H. Harrison, director of production, Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War and Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy.
The seven criteria which must be met before any project will be approved for construction follow:
1. It is essential for the war efiort.
2. Postponement of construction would be detrimental to the war effort.
3. It is not practical to rent or convert existing facilities for the purpose.
4. The construction will not result in duplication or unnecessary expansion of existing plants or facilities now under construction or about to be constructed.
5. All possible econbmies have been made in the project, resulting in deletion of all non-essential items and parts,
6. The projects have been designed of the simplest type, just sufficient to meet the minimum requirements.
7. Sufficient labor, public utilities, transportation, raw materials, equipment and the like are available to build and operate the plant. The manufactured product can be used at once or stored until needed.
lssuance of Commitments Under T:de Vl sl
The National Housing Act Amended 1942
W. G. Bingham, district director, Federal Housing Administration, Los Angeles, in a letter to all approved lending institutions, dated June 6, 1942, states:
"Today we are in receipt of the following information from our Washington office:
"The National Housing Act Amendment of. 1942 were enacted by Congress to implement our war effort through the construction of essential war housing by private enterprise.
"Every precaution must be taken to avoid the possibility of the amendments being considered by anyone as encouragement to begin construction of housing which is not clearly essential for war workers, or to begin construction of essential war housing without reasonable assurance that materials are available for its completion.

"There are no circumstances which would warrant participation in the program made possible by this legislation unless it can be determined that postponement of the proposed housing would be detrimental to the war effort.
"Housing which is clearly essential, properly designed, and urgently needed in behalf of our war effort should be expeditiously handled. Therefore, in accordance with the above statements, we are authorized to issue commitments under Title VI of the National Housing Act, amended 1942, in accordance with instructions now being forwarded to our office, provided that each application for commitment meets the following tests.
1. That preference rating orders under which critical materials will be secured have been received by the builder and are in proper order, or satisfactory assurance that all critical materials needed to complete the proposed construction are on hand and that the builder has authority from the War Production Board to begin construction. (P-55 issued and current or PD-200 approved by the War Production Board, Washington, D. C.)
That our office make such recheck of plans and documents as required to satisfy us that the proposed construction embraces a minimum use of critical materials.
That there is satisfactory assurance that lumber as required to complete the construction is obtainable.
That there is satisfactory assurance that the materials required for utility connections are not in excess of the maximum standards for war housing as established by the War Production Board for gas, water and electric service. (Administrative letter to Gas and Water Utilities and Administrative letter to Electric Utilities, each dated May 18, 1942, and from J. A. Krug, Chief, Power Branch, War Production Board.)
5. Commitments shall not be issued if it evident that the need for the subject property which was appafent at the time priorities were recommended has been diminished by a subsequent elimination or reduction of demand from proposed or existing war plants to the point where such construction may no longer be considered essential.
"Nothing in this letter should be construed to prohibit or limit the issuance of commitments under Title VI in the following types of cases: a, The refunding of an existing insured mortgage. b. Where the issuance of the commitment is for the purpose of replacing a previously issued commitment. c. Where the issuance of the commitment is for the purpose of replacing a previously issued property eligibility statement under Title I Class 3.
"Effective this date, Title VI applications received will be held in Preliminary Examination unless there has been submitted with the applications evidence as required in paragraphs I and 3 above, and unless plot plans or other satisfactory evidence from utility companies shows that there can be compliance with paragraph 4 above.
"Further, Title VI applications now pending in our offices beyond Prelirninary Examination will not be processed until the same evidence required above is submitted to us.
"There has been no change in the instructions to us that we may continue to receive applications for preference ratings for critical materials for defense housing, but that we cannot process such applications until we are further advised by Washington."
Ben Bartel, who has been associated with the Peoples Lumber Company for many years, has been appointed sales manager with headquarters at the Ventura office.
He succeeds Jim lfenderson, who resigned to become general manager of the Southern Nevada Industries at Las Vegas, Nevada, manufacturers of concrete blocks. Ji* began his new duties on June 1.
Calling On Arizona Trade
Jack lvey, Los Angeles, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, is calling on the Arizona retail lumber trade. He will return to los Angeles on June 21.
Building permits in San Francisco for May totaled $1,5f3F,173, compared with $650,720 in April, and $2,000,913 in May, 1941.
Refease Lumber From Freeze to Complete Delense Housing Projects
Upon the application of FHA, the Director of Industry Operations has issued two omnibus authorizations which will enable the several contractors on certain publicly and privately financed defense housing projects to place orders for the particular lumber required to complete those projects, at the same time granting permission to the producers concerned to accept orders from and make deliveries to those several contractors.

These authorizations were issued on Forms PD-423, one to cover the publicly financed projects so authorized and another to cover the privately financed projects; both pursuant to Limitation Order L-121, paragraph (b) (1) (iv).
One approved copy of each of these forms PD-423 has been deposited with the National Housing Agency as the agent acting in behalf of the several contractors on the projects.
Other approved copies have been submitted to the Lumber and Timber Products War Committee as agent acting in behalf of the several producers from whom the contractors will purchase the lumber.
Each of these forms includes the phraseology of the certification which each contractor and person intervening between him and the producer must include in each of his lumber purchase contracts or orders on the producer. In the case of the publicly financed defense housing projects the certification, after having been entered on the.lumber contract or order, must be signed by the Federal Public Housing Authority Superintendent located at each of the authorized housing projects, while for privately financed defense housing projects the certification must be signed by both the contractor and the nearest authorized agent of FHA.
Under this procedure the individual "producer,' of construction lumber for his authority to sell and ship will rely upon the certification of the contractor and of the FHA regional officer, or of the Federal Public Housing Authority Superintendent, as the case may be, that the order for lumber complies with the two PD-423 orders.
To each of these forms PD-423 is attached a list of the defense housing projects therein authorized. In the case of public housing, the projects are identified as to locality, project number, units and approximate board feet of lumber required to complete; whereas in the case of the private housing, the projects are identified only as to locality and number of units under construction and authorized for completion.
Back From Vacation
Charlie Gartin, salesman for Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., San Francisco, is back from a vacation trio to Southern California.
II you require quick dependoble service, ccll "Colif. Pcmel" when you need plywood. We hcrve o lorge, well diversified, quclity stock of hordwood ond soltwood plywoods olwoys on hond for your convenience.
lifornia neer Eo
955-%7 souru ALAMEDA sTREET
Telaphone TRinity 0057
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2096, TnnurNel ArrrNex LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA
Hclping to win the Battlc Of PRODUCTION !
Americc's gigcntic wcrr production progrcrm ccrlls lor BIIIIONS OF FEET OF LUMBER! The huge lohnson Mill ct Toledo, Oregon, is meeting the chcllenge with the grectest output ol cny mill in Oregon! Tcll timbers cre lclling last . . every wheel is turning . . . every mqn is on the iob, to keep production up to the highest peak Ior VICTORY!
Mill ccpccity 2 car- locds ecch hour. Ccnlocrding ccrpccity 30 ccrs c dcryl The Trode Mork of qUAtITY IU'TIEER